Does this bleating prick make no connection between the activities of those whose knob he so thoruoghly decent chappishly sucks and those of the rat-faced poor? No corrolary between insritutionalised banditry in the elite and street crime in the poor ?
Can he read, for instance, the previous posting in which it is revealed that his employers, friends, clients, masters have awarded themeselves an expenses increase of over two hundred per cent in ten years - the "realms of fantasy," so snortingly dismissed on Radio Government by the obnoxious cunt, MP Keith Purchase, now there's an ironic name for a thieving fucking bastard like him, who wants, demands everything for nothing, MPs are very special public employees, shouldn't have to be bothered by receipts, shouldn't have to pay for food, was the burden of his extraordinary, arrogant, thieving song. A shame the harpy at the Beeb didn't ask about HIS pension, still, giving him two bites at her cherry and Guido just one she will doubtless get herself a twittering book programme or a quiz to run, like good Beeboids do. How many programmes does John Farmer Humphries do, is it four, or five ?
Do these fucking bastards in Mediaville, who now want to rearrange the way trials are conducted in order to ensure convictions of anyone, anyone, anyone deemed by Old Bill as Guilty before Trial, not realise what an example they set to those outside the charmed circle.
Is this thoroughly decent arsehole really so fucking stupid that he doesn't realise that stealing from others, wrongly attacking and killing others and lying, lying, lying to wriggle out of responsibility have become the modus operandi of the burgeoning political caste he represents. It isn't just on here that people are contemptuous of party politics. Doesn't he realise what a remorselesly bad example he sets; speechwriter to the amoral, corrupt, warmongering, ruling cabal chides nasty street urchins. Fuck me it's like the eighteenth century round here.
And no, fuck off, it wouldn't be any better under Lord Snooty. This is a Uni-party hegemony, just a matter of whose turn it is to shit in our faces and rearrange, for the greater good of themselves, our rights.
Heard some braying tory oik last night, one of their screeching, Ministry of Injustice shadows, agreeing that those whom the police deem a priori guilty of violent crime, must, in the interests of justice, be denied a fair trial. There you are, the police say they are guilty, evrybody knows they are guilty so in the interests of justice we must frame them up, give 'em a fair trial in which they can't challenge the evidence against them because they don't know who's giving it and lock 'em up. Official Zanu-Tory policy. But subject to strict parliamentary regulation, you understand, the scrutiny of thieves, jusr like the expenses of Gorbals Mick.
The more of these people get split lips the better because that's what it's like in the country they have created. Does this prat think criminals arrive from Mars or something. The "career politician" cares only for himself, his own advacement, his own wealth - these are implicit, inescapable, in the phrase "career politician." How dare they rebuke others, engaged in less salubrious forms of crime ?
Tough on crime. Parliamentary scrutiny. Honourable members. Aye, right. As we say in Scotland. Up against the wall, motherfuckers, more like.
This blog is a compilation of Stanislav's Rants as they appear on Guido. It is neither operated nor sanctioned by him. If you don't like it, don't come back.
Does this bleating prick make no connection between the activities of those whose knob he so thoruoghly decent chappishly sucks and those of the rat-faced poor? No corrolary between insritutionalised banditry in the elite and street crime in the poor ?
Can he read, for instance, the previous posting in which it is revealed that his employers, friends, clients, masters have awarded themeselves an expenses increase of over two hundred per cent in ten years - the "realms of fantasy," so snortingly dismissed on Radio Government by the obnoxious cunt, MP Keith Purchase, now there's an ironic name for a thieving fucking bastard like him, who wants, demands everything for nothing, MPs are very special public employees, shouldn't have to be bothered by receipts, shouldn't have to pay for food, was the burden of his extraordinary, arrogant, thieving song. A shame the harpy at the Beeb didn't ask about HIS pension, still, giving him two bites at her cherry and Guido just one she will doubtless get herself a twittering book programme or a quiz to run, like good Beeboids do. How many programmes does John Farmer Humphries do, is it four, or five ?
Do these fucking bastards in Mediaville, who now want to rearrange the way trials are conducted in order to ensure convictions of anyone, anyone, anyone deemed by Old Bill as Guilty before Trial, not realise what an example they set to those outside the charmed circle.
Is this thoroughly decent arsehole really so fucking stupid that he doesn't realise that stealing from others, wrongly attacking and killing others and lying, lying, lying to wriggle out of responsibility have become the modus operandi of the burgeoning political caste he represents. It isn't just on here that people are contemptuous of party politics. Doesn't he realise what a remorselesly bad example he sets; speechwriter to the amoral, corrupt, warmongering, ruling cabal chides nasty street urchins. Fuck me it's like the eighteenth century round here.
And no, fuck off, it wouldn't be any better under Lord Snooty. This is a Uni-party hegemony, just a matter of whose turn it is to shit in our faces and rearrange, for the greater good of themselves, our rights.
Heard some braying tory oik last night, one of their screeching, Ministry of Injustice shadows, agreeing that those whom the police deem a priori guilty of violent crime, must, in the interests of justice, be denied a fair trial. There you are, the police say they are guilty, evrybody knows they are guilty so in the interests of justice we must frame them up, give 'em a fair trial in which they can't challenge the evidence against them because they don't know who's giving it and lock 'em up. Official Zanu-Tory policy. But subject to strict parliamentary regulation, you understand, the scrutiny of thieves, jusr like the expenses of Gorbals Mick.
The more of these people get split lips the better because that's what it's like in the country they have created. Does this prat think criminals arrive from Mars or something. The "career politician" cares only for himself, his own advacement, his own wealth - these are implicit, inescapable, in the phrase "career politician." How dare they rebuke others, engaged in less salubrious forms of crime ?
Tough on crime. Parliamentary scrutiny. Honourable members. Aye, right. As we say in Scotland. Up against the wall, motherfuckers, more like.