Thursday, October 4, 2007

stanislav, a young rebel said...It's as though The Underclass are an ejaculation from the mighty cock of Satan himself,

stanislav, a young rebel said...


Isn't that "British politics IS rotten to the core ?"

Right, though, whichever. More of the Enemy Within Shit. Those Horrible Disruptive Poor Bastards. As though what these overpaid, lazy cunt, politicians and journalists (is there any difference between the pissed-up degenerate illiterate, cottaging, cliche spouting tossers ?) call The Underclass just got themselves born so's to fuck up the beautiful, obedient consumer lives of Mr And Mrs StupidCunt living in their fucking ghastly little faux Georgian monstrosities and pushing their vile fucking stupid brats to greater excesses of consumerism, stupidity and illiteracy.

It's as though The Underclass are an ejaculation from the mighty cock of Satan himself, sprayed into the face of decent hard-working families, with Vahl-ewes, and not the result of decades of politicians' brutish neglect and indifference. The Devil's MoneyShot, the poor. Oh, simpers Dave, if only we could exclude them. They are such a fly in the ointment when everything else is going so well. Then respectable people with disabled children (like me) could use their kids' disability for nobel political ends; the filthy poor scum, of course, only have them to get benefits. We certainly don't want THEM in the umpteenth reincarnation of this Great Party. And the one-eyed, snotgobbling, wanked-out, moral compassing hypocrite in the other Tory party doesn't want them either. Where are they to go ? I know, how about some camps?

Great how, from the "ethnic minorities" this pampered effete fucking layabout ponce wants, just like Cyclops, to draw "the best and the brightest." I suppose he means those who go to Eton; row, row, row your boat. Not too many ragheads at Eton and Rugby. Great how this bloke who's never done a day's work in his pampered life -unless you call sobering up after one of his boozy,Bullingdon assaults on the poor of Oxford, working ( what a cunt) casts himself as just an ordinary geezer and wants everybody, actually, to go to Eton and Oxford and be rich and suck Michael Howard's petite, rancid, circumcised cock and be prime minister; yes, everybody should do it. A country of all the talents. Apart from the poor bastards, made poor by Thatcher, Major and Tony and Sharon Blair. How much of Cheshire does his Mrs own, again ? Is it ten thousand acres, or twenty? Right, Guido, real credentials. Bet they have to make some hard choices before they pay the mortgage.

No word of the biggest war crime this century, which he voted for. No word of the debt caused by top-up fees, which he voted for. Just fucking rabble rousing. Throw out the dirty, lazy poor bastards; throw out the wogs, unless they're bright doctors and members- preferably donors - of/to the Tory party.

You better pull yourself together, Guido, or change your nom de plume; you're beginning to speak the language of the oppressor; from your endorsement of Posh Layabout Dave's wanky little party piece it sounds as though you'd probably take a turn rotating the rack, or heating the irons. There is no difference between any of these lying thieving shameless cunts. You know that. Get with the fucking programme. A pox on all of them.

12:11 AM, October 04, 2007

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