Thursday, October 4, 2007

stanislav, a New Scot said...The Iraq thing plays larger here than in England for lots of reasons:

stanislav, a New Scot said...

Not everybody in Scotland hates him but the ones who do are very vocal. The harridan, Sister Wendy Alexander, enraged even Unionists with her crass apology to UK Lab plc for the Scottish people not voting as they were told by their traditional thuggish masters.

The Iraq thing plays larger here than in England for lots of reasons: it is a wee country and the pacifist movement is highly visible not only over Iraq but over Faslane and Trident and even non-pacifists are raging about the amalgamation, by the dwarf brawler Reid, of the Scottish regiments, military stuff is big in Scotland; there have been high-profile individual campaigns by those bereaved and for nationalists the whole idea of war being a matter reserved to Westminster is abhorrent; the CIA rendition flights from Prestwick Airport have also enraged people of all persuasions; The Great Masturbator's bungled spinning foray into Iraq is widely despised, therefore, more so than in England, the Scots take things very personally and, as we know, carry grudges for centuries.It was bad enough and then someone pushed that moron Ainsworth into the spotlight. The Iraq spin is just about the stupidest thing Brown could have done.

Minority King Alec Salmond, who is currently well regarded by press and people is shrewd enough to damage Brown, right in his own constituency -make it a personal issue between Salmond's candidate and the sitting prime minister; the Scots'd love it and remember, when last Brown was here campaigning for the neighbouring seat, so unpopular was he that a sound Labour majority fell to the Mould-Breakers.

Should he lose his own seat then he would be spending a lot of time in the gaybars of New England, or else lying down in a quiet place with no sharp surfaces. It is almost poignant to consider that Tony and Sharon will probably, after all, have the last laugh. What a crew of grotesques.

ps can we leave Lady Michael White for a while, all this talk of her makes a weak man queasy. When I was a boy the Guardian was such a fine independent newspaper; now it is home to the vilest, most rancid cunts in the media. (Apart from Mr McGuire, who festers in a CuntLeague all of his own at the Mirror.)

5:32 PM, October 04, 2007

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