Sunday, April 20, 2008

stanislav said...Lardman Prescott has "confessed" to suffering from cuntus greedybastarditis.

stanislav said...

O/T black comedy in the Telegraph and Sunday Times.

Apparently, Lardman Prescott has "confessed" to suffering from cuntus greedybastarditis. He worked so hard, he claims, banging the secretaries and playing cowboys and indians, that he developed bulimia, often stuffing his face so full with meat pies, dripping and Eccles cakes that he made himself throw up. It is a disease, he says, confessingly, which doesn't just affect airhead princesses but serious, conscientious servants of the people, like wot he is.

Next week's extract from his memoirs, in the Sunday Times: Shagger Prescott reveals: Why I mix my worms up and they come out all shit; I talk like a cunt because I am so sensitive and intelligent.

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