Monday, April 21, 2008

Mr Chu said...

Mr Chu said...

Harro! Mr Chu here again, owner of the Fuk Yoo Jon lestaulant in Hurr. Plescott come in other day with this shifty-rooking broke, say getting velly wullied about erection. I terr him tly viagala, it work for me evly time, but he carr me sirry sritty eye and terr me piss off. Then he start talking with shifty-rooking broke, who is famous Porish prummer and have name rike toiret -- Sanirav or something. It appear New Rabour tlying to buy vote of Porish community in Gleat Blitain and Sanirav wirring to herrp for cash in hand, no tloubre for tax man, wink nudge. What tlaitor! What tleachelous cunt!

Mr. Sam said...

Harro Mr Chu!

Mr Wu said...

Harro to you Mr Chu
That frat frucker Prescott used and abused my lestaurlant The Ligid Cock in Glimsby for two lears before I kick his frat arse down the stairs two leeks ago.
He came in with blig-haired drag queen called Maureen and the frucking pigs ate their way fru the frucking card.
He always take up offer of eat all you can for a fiver. We give frat frucker small plates but he sly and goes back for seconds. He humililates his drag queen paramour who seem very nice.
I sling out Plescott because he expectorlates over my top waitress and offers me outside when I plesent bill.
I need to speak to you urgently Mr Chu. We need to stop this greedy, frat frucker in his tracks.

stanislav, a young polish plumber said...

Hello Mr Chu and Mr Sam and Mr Wu and fuck off back to Shanghai all of you, slope eyed, dog-eating, yellow racist bastards. Fucking bad enough live here with fucking Jock. Never mind with cheeky bastard chink with too many fucking teeth. Anyway stanislav never sit for dinner down with lard-eating, vomiting, shrunken-cock, speech-deficient, meatpie monster but instead give him quick rubdown with housebrick if opportunity ever present. Fat cunt.

Surprised actually, that none of the caring anonymati who posted earlier, cunts, made the obvious connection between over-eating and poorly controlled diabetes; it is ever so common and it will certainly be Prescott's problem.

Managing diabetes, of either type, requires both self-restraint and a degree of intelligence/ foresight/self-awareness. As we know, Prescott is a stupid, greedy, useless, whining, self-indulgent cunt; a bastard, a ponce, a sexual predator, a union punk, a hypocrite, a cheat, a bully, a thug, an illiterate incompetent, a crook, good for fuck all, a waste of oxygen and a disgrace to the decent British working class; a lazy, greedy, stupid, worthless piece of shit. That this clowning oaf apparently confuses poorly controlled diabetes with bulimia makes all the more horrifying the fact that, even after he had been stripped of most of them he still retained some quite significant powers. A man who, despite legions of advisers, not to mention occasional oversight of the Department of Health, simply doesn't even understand that his own, diagnosed illness can make him overeat but instead invents another illness entirely, was, for ten years, under some rank, leprous, black compact, the deputy prime minister of the United Kingdom. New Labour,eh, what are they like ?

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