Saturday, April 19, 2008

stanislav said...BROWN OVER AMERICA

stanislav said...


Among the disgusting, bullying cowards who make up the global political elite the imprimatur of the revolting Senator Kennedy is probably, even now, much sought after and on Friday it was certainly manna from heaven to the UK's Dead Man Walking premier, himself a coward of great distinction.

Kennedy it was who left a girl young enough to be his daughter to drown in his submerged car in the cold, dark waters of Chappaquiddick Sound while he ran home, drunk, to placate his wife, sort out his alibi and bribe whoever it was necessary to bribe.
None of that famous Kennedy heroism for drowning Mary-Jo Kopechne, driven off a bridge by the Senator; you think Spunky-Bill Clinton is an amoral, draft-dodging, contemptible, cowardly piece of shit, Kennedy wrote the book and in the way of these things remains, nearly forty years on, a distinguished member of the US Senate. Fitting then that he should do warm-up for a man frightened, even, of a general election, of a straight question, of coming out of the closet.

Yesterday, Teddy, old and bloated and - one hopes - surely past dalliance with young girls, spent fifteen minutes praise-singing his protege, the snotgobbler, before Brown's outburst of NWO mania at the JFK Library. The whole UK, implied Ted, beseeched Brown to stay at the Treasury for, well, a lot longer than anyone else had done in a long time; no mention that Brown's co-blackmailee, Blair, couldn't budge him; no mention in fact of Blair at all, the UK, seemingly, run single-handedly, prudently, benevolently, these past eleven years by the Man With No Nails.

Brown, continued Kennedy, had all but abolished child poverty in the UK, lifted two million children out of poverty, he had. Puzzled UK viewers must have been muttering Ah, it's their affluence that makes the little bastards knife and shoot one another, drunk and drugged out of their minds, kicking householders to death; the values of canny Presbyterianism, trickling down to Dewsbury's hapless denizens. Brown's real accomplishment, of course, is to lift much of the country into debt, fear, suspicion, hostility and repression; or to put it another way, Calvinism.

But, metaphorised Kennedy lamely, Brown, master mariner, son of the fucking manse and moral compasseer had steered the Kennedy sailing boat safely through the choppy waters of Cape Cod; he could do the same with the entire fucking world. Brown had made his bones as a student university rector and a tv producer, the essential qualifications for re-ordering the world for the better, adolescent bollocks and make-believe. Brown's indefatigability would defeat turrism, Brown would cool and chide the very Sun itself into ending global warming; Brown would dragoon a billion chinks into moderate, prudent energy consumption, a billion South Americans, a billion Indians, all would be putty in the hands of prime minister Brown, as were all his hard-working subjects at home; a world transformed by his visions and values and industry beckoned, a world in which historical problems could at last be resolved.....

Kennedy's hagiography echoed that of his father Joseph. US Ambassador to the UK in the late 'thirties, the subject of Joe Kennedy's praise-singing then was a man like Brown with values and visions and a sense of mission and purpose; Kennedy senior's preferred global statesman was a man who, like Brown, favoured a New World Order, state control, state media, centralised services, population surveillance, special powers and identity cards, his name was Adolf Hitler.

Despised and ridiculed for his cowardice both at home and among hawks in the US, Brown's unerring Jonah instinct led him to cook up a grandiose and self-serving double act with his chum and mentor; like all of his endeavours it turned to shit before our eyes. His political judgements -like his morals - utterly worthless, Kennedy is a man who will be remembered for being his brothers' brother and for fleeing the scene of a crime; would that Brown's infamies were so relatively slight.

Come out, Gordon, nobody likes you, nobody trusts you, nobody believes you. Who do you think you are kidding, Mr Gordon ?

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