Friday, April 18, 2008

stanislav said...Come here not to praise them but to bury them; dead or alive. Bastards.

stanislav said...

Over-egging the sentimental pudding here. Seems like people have been reading Doctor Raj Persaud's book Bereavement: What to Do when Somebody You Never Met Dies, Strategies For Coping. I fear we may not see her like again, Mr Craig must be reading the Boys Own Book Of Cliches. I think all thirteen lachrymose members of cardyworld next door have wandered in here, obituarising, like they did when that prick of a chief constable topped himself.

Dunwoody, one of those ghastly, phony Labour rebels, do anything bar resign what they bizarrely call the whip. Bob Marshall-Andrews, Tony Benn, Dennis Skinner, Lardwoman Abbott, Rachmann Meacher and the bilious Dunwoody; their stagey principles fooling none but Toilets Maguire and Kneepads "Nuremburg" White. And of course Mr Craig and the Grieving Anonymati. Get the place a bad name all this mawkish fucking drivel.

Time after time these cunts lend themselves willingly to the idea of "the soul of the party," "fiercely independent," might "bring down the government." Its just that they never do. And never would. Labour rebels ? Cowed, sullen bunch of cocksucking hypocrites.

They don't bother too much with eulogising the million dead wogs and the countless maimed and blinded, made refugee, hungry, thirsty, frightened, nor those with faces melted away like candles at an Islington dinner party; no forty-eight hours of respect for Tommy coming home in a box with bits of other Tommies thrown in, rudely stitched together, an arm here and a leg there. Honest, not invent. Ask that coroner. No, a great parliamentarian is dead. What a load of fucking rubbish. Anybody who stays in the party of Blair and Hoon and Straw and Browne and that unspeakable cunt Ainsworth, well, the sooner they are explaining themselves to their christian socialist maker, the fucking better. God rot the lot of them.

And anyway, if that obnoxious, ill-mannered, domineering, ghoulish old matron was anywhere near as clever or influential as she claimed, how come transport, like everything else, is so laughably poor in NewLabour UK plc? How comes if that she made them all squirm so much that they all just went on as before, shitting in our faces. Fuck 'em all; men, women, Angela Eagle and all the other malformed, loathsome mutants squirming like maggots around the mad, snot-eating presbyterian. Take no prisoners. Dunwoody, however she postured, was part of NewLabour, if she wasn't she would have quit and stood as an indie. Come here not to praise them but to bury them; dead or alive. Bastards.

love from stanislav

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