Wednesday, April 2, 2008

stanislav said...Here's another view of la Dyke Hillary's "mis-speaking."

stanislav said...

Fuck Mark Steel, the BBC's tame Maoist entertainer and layabout.

Here's another view of la Dyke Hillary's "mis-speaking."

From the Sunday 'papers

Speaking to the Sunday Telegraph's Peaches Coren, Senator Mrs Clinton said that events in the life of a busy First Couple, like herself and her husband, Mr Bill Ah-Feel-Your-Tits Clinton, often got a bit hectic.

It had been reported, for instance, that Mr Bill, while Governor of Arkansas, had used the State Troopers as his own, personal brothel keepers; had conducted affairs throughout their marriage, notably with a Miss Jennifer Flowers and a Ms Lewinsky, a woman young enough to be Mr Bill's and Mrs Hillary's daughter, although nowhere near as toothily unprepossessing and disagreeable.

I would just like to set the record straight, Senator Clinton confided to Ms Coren, about my husband's rumoured infidelities over these past forty years. It's all a crock, as we pretend New Yorkers say, got up by the right-wing press, and the left-wing press, they did it, too. All a massive conspiracy.

It's not that my husband was actually banging all these broads all these years, abusing his position, humiliating me and driving me to the dusty comforts of crooked property speculation, carpet-munching and political campaigning. No, he wasn't perpetually unfaithful, abusive, exploitative, deceitful, predatory, hypocritical, and an all-round worthless piece of draft-dodging, coke-snorting, Deep South hogshit who would fuck anything still fucking warm; he simply, constantly and ubiquitously, mis-spunked.

( Mah Fellow Americans. Ah did not have sexual relations with that woman. Ah simply mis-spunked. Mah ejaculate was meant to splash on the manly countenance of the First Lady, Wossername ? But we were in the White House library and Ah was showing Ms Lewinsky how one of Fidel's best hand-rolled could negotiate her East River and, Lord have mercy, Ah just happened to mis-spunk it all over that young woman's dress. 'sall it was, a gen-yew-ine mis spunkin'. Now, you tell me any good ole boy hasn't mis-spunked once in a while - mebbe over his babysitter, or his niece, or his Arkansas Golden Retriever - and Ah'll show y'all a Godamned, pussy-whipped, lying, faggot, communist, pinko sonofabitch. An just remember, folks, vote for the sourpuss, grungy blonde dyke an' y'all get me, too. First Gennulman. God bless America. )

Senator Mrs Clinton believes that her self-effacing honesty in these personal areas of lying, stealing, cheating and industrial scale whoring will lead her to the White House; that somehow, in the way of these things, she, too, will be mis-elected. Horrible fucking bastard.

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