Wednesday, April 2, 2008

stanislav said...Perjury charges in Murdoch case. Sid and Nancy to beat rap.

stanislav said...

Here's some proper Murdoch news, frae Scotland, a proud country recently purchased by Mr Donald McTrump, Mr Brian McSouter and Lady Sean McConnery domiciled on the bonny bonny banks of Lake Geneva and founder of HollywoodWifeBeatersUlike.

Perjury charges in Murdoch case. Sid and Nancy to beat rap.

Mr Anwar Neswnight, good-looking lawyer for Glasgow socialist mobsters Sid and Nancy Sheridan, was upbeat, interviewed on Radio Orkney, last week.

It's a bum rap, these pigs, whaddatheyknow from shit ? They already rolled-over on the booze heist and all that's on the table now is this lying in court shit and they'll never make that stick in Scotland; 'swhat everybody does, ain't no crime. 'sin the fucking genes, Jock can't tell the fucking truth. I'm not shitting you. Ask anybody in London. Just look at that Andy Blowjob, or that bloke, Wark, on Newsnight, the transwotsaname. Look at the fucking joke parliament, full to bursting with thieves and tramps and con-artists. Bent lawyers, union punks and nonces, wouldn't know the truth from a pile of tartan dogshit. Simply un-fucking-constitutional to expect my Jock clients to tell the truth in court and I'll move for a dismissal.

Mr Anwar, (Ll.b,FRCS, D.Litt, Hindujah Brothers Cash 'n' Carry Passports 'n' Degrees R Us ) senior partner in Doolali, Garam-Masala and Marshall-Andrews, continued that Sid and Nancy were deeply humbled by all the cards and messages of support they'd sent themselves.

Just because they called Sid's former girlfriends and sex club partners "lying cunts, traitorous shitbags, thieving scum and Murdoch worshipping gold-diggers who must be destroyed"** didn't make Sid and Nancy bad people. And we'll be calling eminent character witnesses, like Sid's Ma and Da, to name but them all. Apart from Mr Pussy Galloway MP, if his missionary work in Africa permits.

A local listener, Mr Magnus Muttonburger, phoned-in to venture that however honoured Sid and Nancy might presently feel it would be as nothing to what Sid would experience as he was treated to an introductory falling-down-the-stairs off Mr Angus McScrew of HMP Barlinnie plc. Och, I remember it the noo, ken, after I was in there for a wee while over that misunderstanding wi' ma niece, she looked a lot older than seven, d'ye ken, at least twelve. Sid and Nancy's wean won't find it too bad in social services care. Not really. And she can always come and stay with me.

Joining the interview by 'phone from New York, Mr Rupert Murdoch said to Mr Anwar Newsnight that he could always find work for a good, photogenic lawyerboy and the plane tickets were at the airport desk. As Mr Anwar hurriedly left the Northern Isles for Edinburgh International Airport,skipping, Mr Murdoch continued that he and his organisation, News Corpse, were deeply committed to human freedoms, very deeply. Only not Sid and Nancy's. Fuck that. Those cheap cunts're going down.

Although, continued Lord Murdoch, if the broad wants to get her tits out for the News of the World, mebbe in that air hostess outfit, we could cut a deal. She got any tits, that Nancy ? Or is she a dog like that horrorshow, Wendy Satchmo. Jesus H Fuckin' Christ, but that's one ugly dame. Oughta be in the fucking circus.

** extracts from Sid and Nancy Sheridan's Simian Solidarity Party Manifesto to the 2007 Scotch general election, sponsored by Mataland and Benson and Hedges, in which, heroes of the People as they are, they triumphantly won no seats and destroyed Scotch socialism and minority, independent politics, left or right, forever.

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