Wednesday, April 2, 2008

stanislav said...Marty Kneecaps McGuiness, the well-known gay ginger nutter

stanislav said...

Deputy First Presbyterian, Marty Kneecaps McGuiness, the well-known gay ginger nutter and his companion in torture, maiming, rape, tarring and feathering, burying alive, bombing, arson and mass murder and all round beardy cunt Gerry Adams, do they get to vote for their mate,Ken ? Seems the least they could do.

Maybe the Mayor should import some of that Ulster, Black and Decker, pick-axe handle, firebomb electioneering. Bring a taste of proper democracy to the Somali community. Vote for Ken or get crippled, a straight choice. Worked for Gerry and Marty, bless.

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