Sunday, March 16, 2008

stanislav, a young polish plumber said...Ladeezangennulmen, never mind elephants in the corner, I give you the prime minister of the United Kingdom.

stanislav, a young polish plumber said...

Dear Mr TBNL

Best watch out. You'll be getting a visit from Jack Torture Straw and one of Commissioner Bendover's Community Pacification Units.

We don't criticise the chink dictatorship here; Jack doesn't allow it, just part of his 'sixties libertarian character. Don't get him wrong, Jack is minded - as he so grandly puts it in his uniquely Himmlerian way - to let you march and demonstrate, but only about approved issues and the barbarian tyranny of China's Maoist neo-cons isn't one of them.

Jack's, if you're buying, and you are, is a portion of Guantanamo waterboard chestnuts on a bed of Condaleeza Rice.

Mr thatsnews at 2.04.

You're right. The snot-eating is just like the illegal occupation of Iraq - if they get away with that they think they can get away with anything. And, so far, they are.

That the British people permitted Nancy that disgusting infantile behaviour and did not immediately riot shows how apathetic we have become.

How is it that we have, as prime minister, a man who picks his nose and eats it in front of a global audience? What sort of a shithole have we become that the entire establishment colludes in Brown's disgusting personal habits, his gay coquettishness, his tantrums, his tractor production statistics, his fantasy inflation figures, his lunatic visions and values, his repressive police state initiatives -Ihr papieren, bitte - his swiftly forgotten money-laundering, his misuse of public funds, his cynical distortion of charity commission rules, his attempted Scottish election rigging, his rank cohort of arse-licking, blackmailing, jumped-up, personal and political misfits - the worthless cunt Ainsworth, the smirking marionette Blears, the witch Flint, the vile, nonce-loving harridan, Hodge, the Ballses, the nasty, inbred, malformed Millipedes, the torturer, Straw. Jesus fucking wept, a retinue of idle, thieving, lying, warmongering, shrivelled-up, hatchet-faced faghags and cheesy, cufflinked cocksuckers, cheerled by contemptible pricks like the thug Salter and the oily, thieving, self-important bastard Vaz and - cocksuckers' cocksucker - Stephen gissajob Pound.

Toilets Maguire and the rest of the filthy racist scum in the press debate as though 'twere holy writ this criminal lunatic's entirely self-interested promotion of a spurious Britishness. Fearful of a West Lothian Question-inspired public revolt over his illegitimate seat at Westminster, his premiership and his unaccountability to his own Fife electorate, Nancy would strangle us all with the Union Jack if it meant that for even one more day he could bully and cheat and posture and steal and lie, his crimes orchestrated by his dead lunatic father up in presbyterian heaven.

Lonely, spiteful, blackmailed, paranoid, nail-biting, fucked-up old queen, Nightmare Nancy, signing the Lisbon Treaty, all on his own; alone, that is, aside from the entire world watching, utterly bewildered. Just like during his endlessly, globally re-posted and You-tubed, parliamentary, shot-eating tour de force.

Ladeezangennulmen, never mind elephants in the corner, I give you the prime minister of the United Kingdom. You won't believe your fucking eyes.

Come out Gordon. Up against the wall, snot-eating motherfucker.

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