Sunday, March 16, 2008

stanislav, a young polish plumber said...Hope this whets your appetite.

Shit-Bag said...

Dear Stanislav,

Fine as ever. One thing: please can you (or someone) refresh my memory on Nancy's "attempted Scottish election rigging"?

While I am aware of the governing party's expertise in the area of postal-voting, I don't know about this particular piece of gossip/alleged malpractice in Scotchland.

With love.

stanislav, a young polish olumber said...

Dear Mr Shit Bag

Two answers to your question. The first is that Douglas The Corrupt Zombie Alexander of that ilk was in charge and for most people that would be enough.

The second is that Scotch devolution, as you know, was initiated to short-circuit the Nationalist agenda and ensure continued Labour hegemony over the border; as a sop to the Toileteers, also strong in the Highlands and Islands, a proportional representation component - the list system - was incorporated into elections for Holyrood and this saw the election of a handful of cocaine-and-bondage socialists like Orange Tommy Sheridan, a clutch of unspeakably sanctimonious Greens and even a senior citizens' party MSP as well as a Labour-dominated coalition with the Toiletmen; the desired result being an eternity of LibLabbery.

The first First Minister, the skinflint cuckolded by his Grace the Lord Derry Irvine of Legover & Cherie Booth, Donald Da-da-da-Dewar, died in harness and was replaced by Thieving Henry McLeish, a Labour stickyfingerite, streets ahead of his London co-accused in creative use of constituency expenses; the whole Scotch political-legal establishment being crooked, McLeish was, even though, of course, he had done nothing wrong was allowed to retire in his forties on a pension of about a grand a week for life, bless, after less than two years employment.

McLeish was replaced by the incomparably, embarrassingly stupid Jack McConnell who distinguished his accession by dragging his ghastly wife along to his first press conference and announcing that, yes, he had committed adultery but it was a long time ago and that the grimacing crone beside him had forgiven him and so should the nation. In an assembly resplendent with over-promoted gabshites, McConnell took the oatcake, praising the invasion of Iraq, crowing about the illegal detention of asylum seeking infants, joyful at rendition and illegal arms flights through Scotch airports to Israel; complicit, instrumental with Wallace in the Shirley McKie scandal, McConnell is in a class of his own for cack-handed stupidity, conceit and arrogance; in the whole of British politics there has never been anyone of such limited ability, so unsuited for responsibility as Jack McConnell. Westminster knew that with McConnell fronting things even generationally brain dead LabourJocks would not vote Labour this time. Enter Dougie and election-winning supremo, his Grace the Lord Kinnock.

Against all advice Alexander decided to run both the Holyrood and the local government elections on the same day, using similar forms for entirely different voting systems. Fifty thousand people, furthermore, 50,000, entitled to a postal ballot did not receive their papers. Even among those who were allowed by Alexander to vote, in the weeks approaching the election the Scottish Office broadcast adverts explaining the complicated voting forms which offered voters multiple choices in two elections; the forms used in the elections, however, bore no resemblance to those trailed and perfectly understandable confusion reigned. Kinnock, for a fee of forty thousand a year from its manufacturers, had persuaded the Scottish Office - Dougie - to use an electronic counting machine in the election. It was a fuck up and at least a hundred thousand votes were mechanically disallowed along the lines of the 2000 Florida hanging chads debacle. Proportionally the Scottish fuck up is the same as a million and a half UK voters being disallowed either by denial of the papers or by Kinnock-prompted electronic failure. That all this chicanery and incompetence back-fired on the talentless Alexander family is beside the point.

Even BBC Scotland, a wholly-owned subsidiary of NewLabour, called the election a scandal. Cowardly as ever, those elected by this bizarre methodology refused a re-run, lest they lose their own seats, salaries, expenses, allowances, pensions, boyfriends, girlfriends, newspaper columns, tv appearances, peerages and the rest. The "election" of the minority administration of Lavender Alex Salmond would disgrace a militarised banana republic.

An enquiry was held and, as usual, found that everyone was to blame, therefore no-one was to blame. Alexander true to his family ethos, interpreted this as clearing his name and remains a cabinet minister. Kinnock smirks his way through one media opportunity after another; shameless, money-grubbing, cowardly gabshite, elder statesman of greed, graft and incompetence.

For stepping down quietly in favour of Sister Wendy Alexander, Lord Jack McConnell was rewarded with some invented sinecure in Malawi; yes, Malawi. Whether Lady Alexander will accompany him as he imparts his wisdom to the Savage is not known.

A matter upon which we may bet our collective arse, though, is that if Brown and his trained Zombies can engineer an opportunity to similarly refine the next UK general election, they will.

Hope this whets your appetite.

As our friend above says just Google scottish election rigging, have a look at Scotland Against Crooked Lawyers (SACL) or below :


love from stanislav

good clean job and no fucking about with Mrs

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