Sunday, March 16, 2008

stanislav said...Coppers' copper Mr Todd, eh?

stanislav said...

Coppers' copper Mr Todd, eh? So brave he couldn't take a bit of stick from the tabloids and instead left his kids fatherless, feeling guilty and confused to their own dying day; only his moody, film-star style, glossy photos to look at. Vain, worthless prick, typical public sector high flyer.

On a nit-picking point, it is the readers who fund the blog, no readers = no advertisers; so, if all you hideous, sermonising, Brownite, Presbyterian,hypocritical Good Tasters disapprove so much why don't you all fuck off. Talking of which where IS Mr Jerry Hayes ? Hasn't found a job, has he ?

Stanislav said...

Dear Mr Anonymous at 8.47.

A rhetorical flourish, the horrible little Jock hobgoblin did rather adore himself, insisting once, like a good champagne socialist, that students be banned from his part of Edinburgh so's he could write in peace; his noble resignation was as much to do with pique at demotion as with principle and he DID publicly and cruelly dump his Mrs on the orders of the drunk, depressive, psychopath bully Alistair Campbell.

No, on reflection, not rhetoric, he probably did wank himself off a mountain. Good to know that you're taking notes though. Gold star for you.

love from stanislav

stanislav said...

Dear Mr Anonymous

Sorry, I misunderstood your post. Thought for a dreadful, self-recriminatory moment that you meant stanislav's comments last year, on the the late ginger hobgoblin, had not measured up to the good taste so customary hereabouts, mea culpa.

More generally, it is comforting that the majority of o-o commenters - so excoriated by the pompous pricks - are the most truly moral; that this continuum of scepticism is peopled by those who can still distinguish right from wrong.

Anonymous said...

Dear Stanislav, Mr,, and at 7.38

Mea maxima culpa – in my original post which mentioned Bob Cock I omitted your “and died”. Rather important...

stanislav said...

Dear Mr Anonymous at 11.08 pm

Ah, now I understand. Thank you. I think that's enough now, don't you, about Scotchmen wanking themselves to death; either up mountains or in the Downing St toilets. These are matters best left to a prime minister and his assistants, Messrs Kneepads White and Toilets Maguire and this is, after all, a family blog. Not the fucking Guardian.

As for the caption, perhaps Nancy is saying:

"When you've fucked all the women under your command, chief constable, and wrecked their marriages, destroyed your wife's self esteem and made a complete cunt of yourself, maybe you could try the home secretary, hers hang down to here."

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