Friday, March 21, 2008

stanislav said...Toynbee shit & Andrew Neil - degenerate parasite.

stanislav said...

"Andrew Neil knows what's going on but can't say publicly."

You mean won't say.

Who does this precious, smirking Jock work for ? The cops ? The BBC board of Brown cocksuckers ? Is he still up Murdoch's arse ? Does he work for the Royal family and the MOD, too. ? If Jock knows what's going on he should tell us. That's what WE pay him for

"Can't say publicly." Who, exactly is stopping him and wouldn't it be better that he shat in their faces than ours ? Worthless money-grubbing slag. Should stay in the nightclubs with totty young enough to be his great grand-daughter. Horrible fucking degenerate parasite.

love from stanislav

stanislav said...

But back to Polly

If we read that Toynbee shit in the Times or the Telegraph, that would be one thing; Toynbee's fascistic, one-party, BBC drivel would sit easily with Parris's MediaMinster rent-boy apologias, Heffer's red-faced, hissing bitchiness and Janet Daly's muscular, endless, bloated, wretched, Reaganite totalitarianism; reading it in the Guardian is like seeing your old granny gang-fucked in a porn movie.

That bloke Rusbridger, sour-faced misanthropic editor of the UKs once most fearlessly liberal 'paper deserves to have a toilet roll designed in his honour; his bitter, lying face on every sheet.

45govt said...

Dear Stanislav,
"That bloke Rusbridger, sour-faced misanthropic editor of the UKs once most fearlessly liberal 'paper deserves to have a toilet roll designed in his honour; his bitter, lying face on every sheet."

Let us go into business, this would be the Christmas present of all time; Bliar, Stalin, Prescunt, Blears, Harbint, Bollox (So What), the possibilities are endless!

STOP PRESS: Mrs 45 says it's been done, just shown me a roll of bumf with lipstick kisses -"Kiss My Arse". Kraut, too.

Still think a McBrooon roll would go down well - boom-boom, "X marks the Brown spot", "SkidmarksRUs", or "Had Enough of Him Shitting In Your Face?...".

Off to the calculator.

Cassandra said...

Stan and 45

Excellent idea in principle but nobody outside the central and north London postcodes would know who Rusbridger is, let alone recognise his face.
Also, to be a true reflection of the Guardian, the printers' ink on the bog roll would come off. It is bad enough having to wash your hands after reading the Guardian but having to use the bidet after every use of Rusbridger bogroll would be bound to affect its commercial viability.

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