Thursday, March 20, 2008

stanislav said...Codger McCain said:

stanislav said...

Codger McCain at Downing St: "Just like to thank all those dead and wounded and melted British GIs for helping me get the nomination."

Nancy Brown: "Nae bother, Mr Preident, it's what they're for. Now, d'ye fancy a photo in a school playground.?"

stanislav said...

Codger McCain to David Cameron: "You, too, Mr Blair, you voted for British GIs to go and fight these redskin varmits with their bare hands, didn't you. Only good injun's a dead injun. Isn't that Tory party policy? Sure as hell is mine"

David Cameron "Yes, sir, Mr President, I vow to thee my country, Home of the brave, Rally round the flag y'all. D'you wanna have your picture taken with my family? Works fucking wonders."

stanislav said...

Codger McCain to the leader of the LibDem Toilets party; "You, Mr Whoosit, I unnerstand you didn't vote for the the british GIs to drive the Apaches back to the reservation. You a yellow belly?"

Cleggie: "No SirreeBob, Mr President, we sure as Hell didn't vote for no war but as we always say in my party, we are where we are, so lets go kick some ass. Do you wanna have your picture taken with Lembit Opek and Brian Eno, Mr President?"

Codger McCain; "Are they niggers ? Sound like niggers to me. Lembit Opek ? What kind of a name is that ? Is he in the government? No. No kidding, he's your Armageddon spokesman. Asteroids and meteorites doomwatch co-ordinator ?? And this old bloke, Eno, he's your Youth Ambassador. How many seats did you say you had in the UK Congress ? Shit! that many?"

stanislav said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Conway off the hook.

Codger McCain said: "In the States we have a way of dealing with crooks like Mr Conway of the UK Republican Party. It's called the Presidential pardon. It means that you can take some criminal motherfucker, like the dude, Conway, stick him on trial, give him a hundred years hard time, in there with the niggers, Judge calls him a sack a shit and then the President lets him off and he gets his own TV show. That way everybody's happy. The crook doesn't go to jail and more importantly he doesn't spill the beans on what he knows about the rest of us. Whassat ? The CPS already do that anyway ? Right, you got it covered. Ain't in nobody's interest to have legislators clogging up the jails. Need every goddamn inch for benefit cheats and single mothers. Shit like that. Losers. Right, Gordon?"

"Right, Mr President. In the house of commons we are all innocent."

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