Wednesday, March 19, 2008

stanislav said...Since the sub editor position remains unfilled

stanislav said...

Since the sub editor position remains unfilled, Stanislav would just like to remind friends that Toilets Maguire is proper fucking noun and not fucking pronoun and is same shit with Lady Sir Michael Kneepads White; is big K and not little fucking K.

Best we all have good fucking grammar and proper fucking manners in honour of poor silly cow, Miss Chris Paul, come in here from desperate, bitter loneliness next door in deserted cardy world with silly old trout Mrs Dale. Never know, is maybe tory selection committee looking in and make Stanislav offer he cannot refuse, couldn't be no worse than Mrs Dale, simpering hypocrite.

Why, incidentally, mates, is more fucking deprivation ? Is because of useless ganshite thieving bastard like Alan Milburn and Sex Beast Lardman Prescott and Earl Kinnock and grotty thieving shitbag Mrs and revolting hypocrite bastard Abbott and maniac snot-eating crooked old queen, all telling poor stupid fuckers in constituency that only escape from poverty is vote for fucking thieving degenerate cocksucking nancyboy party and spend whole lifetime having them shit in your face. Innit. Dear chap.

Nice girl like Miss Paul should marry nice bloke and settle down. Out of her depth with politics. Best not go out on dark night and encounter Mr 45 Govt and his mighty weapon. That's for sure.

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