So you would choose subservience to America based on events that took place 60 years ago. What a lack of imagination. Your lack of ambtion betrays a typically British "can't do" attitude. Good luck in Silicon valley!
Of course we share many things. But there are many things that seperate Britain from America too, and these are precisely the things you wish to destroy. Why is that?
You think we are closer to america than to europe. But this is impossible. We ARE Europe. The european story could not be told without England. Americans certainly think so! The Queen of England epitomises european history and culture. There are also many things that we share with France and Germany. Why do you dislike these things so much? They are at the essence of our culture. Why is this difficult for you to accept?
The answer to the above questions: You have been brainwashed by American neo-liberal thinking. The country you say you love is in fact America, you got the names mixed up. Your are a colonised subject of the american empire.
unsurprisingly anonymous cunt (I would be too) @ 1.26.
Are you for real you mong? - the BBC is one of the worst aspects of a failing nation - it was worth something once, but no longer. The strongest argument here today for it total erasure from the face of the earth, is the revelation that it (ie YOU) pays trolls to spend the licence fee combatting anti BBC discourse. Remind you of anywhere, you tosser?
For all the sneering you - as you would, you know-nothing cunt - offer for the US, it is a far better champion of the underdog than Britain, as bob (now clearly sober, and angry!) points out above.
And then you have the effrontery to blow this smoke, you gobshite:-
"You act in the interests of a foreign power to destroy your own British culture: you hate any of your countrymen who seek to protect their culture through the BBC."
Wotta nutter cunt you truly are - it is the Bliar Bollox Cunts like you together with the fascist ZaNuLab govt that are doing, and have done exactly that, by flooding the country with unassimilable aliens, and selling us off for their places at the EUSSR trough.
Why don't you take your nasty statist, know-better-than-the serfs attitude and stuff it up your arse, you haemorrhoid - just fuck off back to somewhere they might have an interest in the shite you have to offer.
BTW - not only the BBC pays to have trolls patrolling - the govt had three paid trolls on shift work on the Tel blogs up to the end of the local elections - now it's down to two part-timers, but they are fucked. -
I like the BBC, for all that it is a bit of a leftist propaganda machine; I simply ignore that bit.
They have, however, commissioned shows like The Thick of It and lots of nice things about art and classical music, which I like because I'm middle-class. And radio 4. You wouldn't get any of that on a commercial station as anything even remotely 'edgy' would be avoided so as not to upset the advertisers, and anything that didn't appeal to the lowest common denominator wouldn't be popular enough. Many people have said it but look at ITV. That's what happens.
In fact, the more I think about it, the BBC - and the Arts Council - is practically the only way in which the rest of the country subsidises things that I, and people like me, enjoy, which considering that we spend the rest of the time subsidising things that we don't give a shit about and don't use seems fair enough to me.
what fun we are going to have with these pompous bbc cunts!
anon 2pm,
and what party are you associated with?
or are you to ashamed to say?
I bet he runs away. -
So you're back with this BS:-
"So you would choose subservience to America based on events that took place 60 years ago. What a lack of imagination."
Remember Kososvo - Europe's shining hour? What a lack of memory. The US, whether you choose to acknowledge it or not, but in your case I guess not, is still the last bastion of individual freedoms, just - unlike our European chums who are, surely with the wholehearted support of a useful idiot like you, have now decided to implement a rejected constitution anyway, as it turns out democracy is no longer a requrement. Cui bono?
They do the troughing bastards.
WTF are you on?
Anonymous - July 2, 2008 1:26 PM
"Britain will end up with all the disadvantages of . . . . a rain sodden european island"
...You act in the interests of a foreign power to destroy your own British culture: you hate any of your countrymen who seek to protect their culture through the BBC.
You sneering BBC troll.
The BBC does not protect our culture. It is deliberately trying to abolish English society and any English identity.
We are not European. We are English. Like it or piss off back to Brussels.
Anonymous cheeky fucker @ July 2, 2008 2:00 PM.
You cheeky fucker, you deserve a ‘fisking’.
Mr Fucking Bob to you.
So you would choose subservience to America based on events that took place 60 years ago. What a lack of imagination. Your lack of ambtion betrays a typically British "can't do" attitude. Good luck in Silicon valley!
1. I don’t choose anything I merely make the observation that the Russians, Chinese or Indians would be far worse if, heaven forbid they become the world super power.
2. What the fuck have I said about Silicon Valley. Though I will have you know that it was the Labour fucking Govt that destroyed British computing companies when it nationalised them all and made ICL, subsequently sold to Fujitsu, twat.
Of course we share many things. But there are many things that seperate Britain from America too, and these are precisely the things you wish to destroy. Why is that?
Is this based on anything I said. I don’t think so. If you want to call me a cunt, just do it, don’t put words in my mouth. That’s a true pol for you, you cunt.
You think we are closer to america than to europe. But this is impossible. We ARE Europe. The european story could not be told without England. Americans certainly think so! The Queen of England epitomises european history and culture. There are also many things that we share with France and Germany. Why do you dislike these things so much? They are at the essence of our culture. Why is this difficult for you to accept?
1. Politically we are closer to America than ‘Europe’ (To be clear, and we all know the difference between Europe and Continental Europe) this is indisputable
2. 'Why do I dislike these things so much’. You are rambling man, make a point that can be answered in less than a day. However, If you don’t understand the difference between the continental Napoleonic code and English Common law, it’s because you are a fucking idiot.
The answer to the above questions: You have been brainwashed by American neo-liberal thinking. The country you say you love is in fact America, you got the names mixed up. Your are a colonised subject of the american empire.
In answer to your poorly composed and spelt drivel, see above. -
'protect their culture'
you must be on acid you cunt.
funny how these wankers sound like communists, but are creaming it off like good ol' fashion capitalists.
if old women don't pay the bbc levy they get locked up. just so these cunts can live the high-life.
they are moral inverting motherfuckers.
let's get these fuckers up against the wall.
note to bbc trolls: don't make a fuss or I will be unable to get a clean shot. -
How amusing. All this bile and hatred directed against Britain, its television, it's institutions, its position in Europe, and thus ultimately yourselves: since it is this country, and this continent that made you who you are.
You are like left wing americans who hate everything their country stands for and want it to be just like Sweden, when it never can be. Of course America wouldn't be America without their rantings. You are their european alter egos. You are what makes Europe Europe.
As Europeans you represent the very worst of what europe is capable of producing: facism.
The average American would have difficulty understanding what planet you are on. -
I hate these fucking BBC mongs.
You can't say shit on their websites or blogs but they come over here, abusing your free speech with their stalinist bullshit.
Off with their fucking heads.
Come on you fuckers, we are allowed to show you up for the cunts you are.
You got an argument, let's hear it. -
Look at these communist 'disinformation' producing bastards:
"How amusing. All this bile and hatred directed against Britain, its television, it's institutions,"
One institution motherfucker.
Pravda, Al-Beeb, the fifth column.
That's you that is.
What seperates your views from those Of Jorge Heider, Jean Marie Le Pen or the Valms Blok ?
Very little, you're all european extremists.
How dare you tarnish America's good name by attempting to associate your european prejudices with her ideals ? -
anon 2.32,
no no, 'tis you who hates this country, not us.
you dissembling cunt.
now, chickenshit, answer my question, what political party are you affiliated to?
if you do not answer this time, you will have to be prescribed a fuck off tablet.
what a slimy cunt!
hold on, keith vaz, is that you?
Look at what this cunt writes:
"As Europeans you represent the very worst of what europe is capable of producing: facism."
Now I don't have a history degree but if my memory serves me right, England is the least likely country to vote for either nationalists or fascists.
You must really hate your country. Although I honestly doubt an Englishman would write such slanderous shit.
(I have just realised that by the spelling and ludicrous positions this mong has taken that he/she is in fact DES, I will now cease to rise, for the moment) .
Another (quelle surprise) anonycunt this one @ 2.32 and doubtless on the BBC's (our) time:-
"this continent that made you who you are....As Europeans you represent the very worst of what europe is capable of producing: facism."
The typical fascist accusation of yours is the big lie, repeated so often you have come to believe it yourself. We stand for freedom - individual freedom, which is anathema to the EUSSR ruling classes.
Made us what we are? You deluded cunt we led the world, and it is fifth-columnists like you who are determined that we become sheep.
In any case your pernicious views are an irrelevence.
Britain is America's slave. America set up the EU. And Britain's future is in Europe because that is where America wants her.
Every new organisation creates itself in the hearts and minds of the people through opposition.
The more you euro extremists like Goldsmith and Le Pen protest, the stronger the EU will get.
You are nothing more than cogs in Monet's conveyor belt.
As a pro European, I thankyou, little Eurofascists. -
No bob- DES would have given himself away by his iliteracy by now - this is a semi-educated gobshite cunt.
we fought hitler to defeat fascism and now we are fighting the fascist nature of the EU and fascist countries like Italy, and historically germany, spain and let's not forget the fascist rollover-cowards, france.
so you are quite right bob, anyone who calls the Btitish or English such names must be an agitator-retard.
and probably works at the bbc.
I would call you CUNTS, but I feel that cunts deserve more respect than that.
Have a wonderful afternoon.
cunt 2.51,
no, you don't deserve any respect at all.
all you deserve is the rope.
@Fascism, national socialism, communism are all European inventions said...
Surprisingly anonymous cunt @ July 2, 2008 1:26 PM.
Lets have a close look at your beloved Europe, & the rich cultural / political institutions it has "given" the British:
National Socialism
....& now the worst of all
three combined - the EU.
America has never attacked Great Britain & nor has it killed Britons anywhere near on the scale of your beloved Europe.
Sonny boy, the good old US of A would have got to fascism, no problem, given a history as old as Yurp's. Indeed, many see President Cokehead Alkie Bush as a precursor to Fascism, in his contempt for your constitution.
You'll get there, don't worry, and indeed, have made huge strides in the past 8 years.
Anon 10:41...Look at the American Health Service - millions of people are outside it, it rolls far too many pills and extracts vast sums for directors' profits.
A more effective public sector could do a great deal.
What socialist/proto-communist claptrap. The US life expectancy is better, cancer survival and heart disease survivaland the access to drugs for most is better, 6500 people didn't die last year from MRSA complicating surgery or the near 10,000 from C diff due to tractor prodcution targetry in the NHS.
Arent you ashamed that you kill people to maintain that throughput?
NHS a world leader...yes in killing people to keep politicians arses out of the fire! Glad you believe all that propaganda about the best in the world. As its the only one there's no competition. Even CHINA charges!
LOL from Planet Mad!
Pi** off to America if you don't like Europe.
Some people on this blog say they "want their country back" and think this will happen by selling the BBC to foreign investors, effectively replacing it with Foxnews.
You think you can install a kind of "silicon" business culture in Britain, by removing from the British system anything that is not present in Silicon valley, and hey presto!
Newsflash: Britain is NOT America. And it cannot be, ever, no matter how much you wish it were. America was created in direct opposition to Britain and all that she represents: nobility, monarchy, the class system, support for the underdog, political and religious cleavages, the make up of cities and their architecture, and the negative scepticism of the British people are all things that mean, even if you destroy the system that currently regulates our society, even if you impose a foreign, american system from above, it won't work in the same way in Britain as it does in America. The outcomes will STILL be different.
Britain will end up with all the disadvantages of America and all the disadvantages of a rain sodden european island put together.
You forget that there are many positive things about Britain that are not American, including the BBC. You have been brainwashed by the american neo liberal ideology into hating your own country and all that it stands for. All the positive things you ascribe to your country are actually american: free markets and democracy: the British empire was protectionist and undemocratic, and Britain still has an undemocratic monarchy. As Britons, you even hate free-market europe, forgetting that your country is european. You are intellectually confused and compromised by your foreign ideology.
You act in the interests of a foreign power to destroy your own British culture: you hate any of your countrymen who seek to protect their culture through the BBC.
You are a third column. you are traitors. Move to America. Under your criteria it is a better country.
Surprisingly anonymous cunt @ July 2, 2008 1:26 PM.
How funny, and we thought it was the cultural marxists of the BBC destroying the country.
Well I never.
As for the US and Britain, there's more between us than differentiates us, unlike the French and Germans for example.
You might like the idea of the Chinese or Indians ruling the world, I'll stick with the Amrecicans thanks.
The nation that has kept Europe from a major war for the last 60 years, unlike the EU which can't even stop a little Balkan genocide, fucking pathetic.