Congress in the US is - better late than never and maybe bouyed up by the iminent departure of the Evil Chimp - getting to grips with all this torture shit that Bush has authorised in Cuba.
Newsnight showed tape of some fucking horrible, non-human bastard who is Cheney's Torture Boy in Chief, appearing before a Congressional committee; it was like watching Goering at Nuremberg.
Even for the dumbest redneck asshole in America, this geezer spelled out just how corrupt, arrogant and - most of all - wicked is this Bush-Cheny-Haliburton administration and, by association, how vile it's major ally in the coalition of the warmongers - us, the UK.
The Chairman of the Committe was, rightly, nearly choking, when he read from a CIA instruction book on waterboarding - "it is a matter of perception, whether this is torture or not, the body reacts to this procedure as though it was drowning, even though it is not; if the subject dies it means you have done it wrong" - the Chairman said, in so many words, you're shittin me, right ? waddayamean torture is a matter of perception ? how the fuck did we get here, where the US government is doing this shit to defenceless detainees in our custody ? The witness, confident of his immunity from prosecution, or if that failed his inevitable free pardon, told the chairman and all interlocutors to go fuck themselves.
Our prime minister stands next to the instigator of these six-year long atrocities, squirming and simpering and calls him friend, calls him saviour.
Torture, then, is a point on the presbyterian Brown's moral compass. Torture is one of his values. The use of torture is one of the right long-term decisions which he and his fellow sewer-dwellers are making, on our behalf.
Down there in Hell, with all the other dead presbyterian ministers, Brown senior must be really feeling the heat of that poker up his arse. His freaky, nail-biting, snot-eating, gay son of the manse relishing, as he clearly does, the counsel and the company of torturers, war criminals, gangsters and degenerates, shying away from ordinary, decent people, from whom he knows he would receive scant approval, let alone comfort, from whom he would get short shrift, hear but the one blunt rejoinder, Come out Gordon and Fuck Off.
And now this, even his Democrat chums in Washington and some Republicans, too, crying foul! Even as his own country shames and excoriates him, George Bush becomes Gordon Brown's new best friend.
NewLabourNewTory, the party that -honestly misled by the dipsomaniac depressive, illiterate pornographer, Alistair Campbell - made torture respectable again.
They know no shame, these people, neither Gordon the freak or Dave the worthless shapeshifting phony; Spelman, the bitch Alexander and her ill-featured ratspawn kin; the whole shithouse, filled with rank upon rank of chancers, thieves, ponces and perverts. Shame is not in their grubby repertoire of feigned emotions. But it should be in ours.
Jack Straw, Tony Blair, Geoff Hoon, Michael Howard in particular, but nearly everyone in Westminster, save the toilets party, have endorsed the torturing to death of people captured, more or less at random,pulled off the streets and out of the fields by indiscriminate Pakistani bounty hunters.
The shame is ours, that we have such dirty filthy people in power over us; the shame is ours that we are spun this way and that by mouthy morons who would put their grannies, their children on the game; that innocent, or even guilty people are drugged, hooded, chained, beaten, disorientated, deprived of sleep, assaulted by noise, terrorised by dogs, denied their lawyers, their families, their eligion, threatened with guns, sexually assaulted, humiliated and drowned by crewcut, smirking psychobastard flag-waving mommasboys is our shame, it is our shame, it is our shame. Our fathers hanged Nazis and Nips for this sort of thing.
And this vile clumsy, clodhopping, inept, maladroit oaf, Gordon, stands before us, his lies evident from his uncontrollable twitching, his liar's jig, his body twisting, contorting against its own untruths, cudgelling us with tales of imminent Terror, as though Terror, thanks to him and his stooges, had not already successfully colonised, taken root and driven out our freedoms. Shame on us, not only did we lose the real war on Terror, we didn't even put up a fight.
This blog is a compilation of Stanislav's Rants as they appear on Guido. It is neither operated nor sanctioned by him. If you don't like it, don't come back.
More TV reviews. Newsnight 26th June
Congress in the US is - better late than never and maybe bouyed up by the iminent departure of the Evil Chimp - getting to grips with all this torture shit that Bush has authorised in Cuba.
Newsnight showed tape of some fucking horrible, non-human bastard who is Cheney's Torture Boy in Chief, appearing before a Congressional committee; it was like watching Goering at Nuremberg.
Even for the dumbest redneck asshole in America, this geezer spelled out just how corrupt, arrogant and - most of all - wicked is this Bush-Cheny-Haliburton administration and, by association, how vile it's major ally in the coalition of the warmongers - us, the UK.
The Chairman of the Committe was, rightly, nearly choking, when he read from a CIA instruction book on waterboarding - "it is a matter of perception, whether this is torture or not, the body reacts to this procedure as though it was drowning, even though it is not; if the subject dies it means you have done it wrong" - the Chairman said, in so many words, you're shittin me, right ? waddayamean torture is a matter of perception ? how the fuck did we get here, where the US government is doing this shit to defenceless detainees in our custody ? The witness, confident of his immunity from prosecution, or if that failed his inevitable free pardon, told the chairman and all interlocutors to go fuck themselves.
Our prime minister stands next to the instigator of these six-year long atrocities, squirming and simpering and calls him friend, calls him saviour.
Torture, then, is a point on the presbyterian Brown's moral compass. Torture is one of his values. The use of torture is one of the right long-term decisions which he and his fellow sewer-dwellers are making, on our behalf.
Down there in Hell, with all the other dead presbyterian ministers, Brown senior must be really feeling the heat of that poker up his arse. His freaky, nail-biting, snot-eating, gay son of the manse relishing, as he clearly does, the counsel and the company of torturers, war criminals, gangsters and degenerates, shying away from ordinary, decent people, from whom he knows he would receive scant approval, let alone comfort, from whom he would get short shrift, hear but the one blunt rejoinder, Come out Gordon and Fuck Off.
And now this, even his Democrat chums in Washington and some Republicans, too, crying foul! Even as his own country shames and excoriates him, George Bush becomes Gordon Brown's new best friend.
NewLabourNewTory, the party that -honestly misled by the dipsomaniac depressive, illiterate pornographer, Alistair Campbell - made torture respectable again.
They know no shame, these people, neither Gordon the freak or Dave the worthless shapeshifting phony; Spelman, the bitch Alexander and her ill-featured ratspawn kin; the whole shithouse, filled with rank upon rank of chancers, thieves, ponces and perverts. Shame is not in their grubby repertoire of feigned emotions. But it should be in ours.
Jack Straw, Tony Blair, Geoff Hoon, Michael Howard in particular, but nearly everyone in Westminster, save the toilets party, have endorsed the torturing to death of people captured, more or less at random,pulled off the streets and out of the fields by indiscriminate Pakistani bounty hunters.
The shame is ours, that we have such dirty filthy people in power over us; the shame is ours that we are spun this way and that by mouthy morons who would put their grannies, their children on the game; that innocent, or even guilty people are drugged, hooded, chained, beaten, disorientated, deprived of sleep, assaulted by noise, terrorised by dogs, denied their lawyers, their families, their eligion, threatened with guns, sexually assaulted, humiliated and drowned by crewcut, smirking psychobastard flag-waving mommasboys is our shame, it is our shame, it is our shame. Our fathers hanged Nazis and Nips for this sort of thing.
And this vile clumsy, clodhopping, inept, maladroit oaf, Gordon, stands before us, his lies evident from his uncontrollable twitching, his liar's jig, his body twisting, contorting against its own untruths, cudgelling us with tales of imminent Terror, as though Terror, thanks to him and his stooges, had not already successfully colonised, taken root and driven out our freedoms. Shame on us, not only did we lose the real war on Terror, we didn't even put up a fight.