trying not to laugh at racist
racism and crime
99,000 out of 206,000 racist attacks where against white Britons. Ethic minorities make up only 12% of the population but 48% of the racist attacks. They are 6.7 times more likely to commit a hate crime.
and this and bare in mind admiting this kind of stuff would be like admitting some is a padophile!
british young muslim yougov poll
what they openly admit!
37% of 16 to 24-year-olds would prefer living under Sharia law than British law
74% of 16 to 24-year-olds prefer Muslim women to choose to wear the hijab-isolate themselfs from the host nation.
13% of 16 to 24-year-olds admire organisations like al-Qaeda that are prepared to FIGHT the West
33% of 16 to 24-year-olds believed that those converting to another
religion should be EXECUTED
and this
footballer ian write is a rascist claims
BLACK footie hero Ian Wright is to be quizzed by police over an allegation of RACISM.
An African traffic warden says Wright called him a “monkey” and told him to “f*** off back to your own country”.
The warden said the ex-Arsenal and
and this
keith Vaz
"Mr Vaz provided misleading information to the former Committee and the Commissioner [Elizabeth Filkin] about the financial relationship between his family and the Hindujas."
"Mr Vaz failed to register remunerated employment in the Leicester Law Centre when he first entered Parliament in 1987. In the circumstances we do not regard Mr Vaz's failure to register this interest as serious. A newly-elected MP could easily make this mistake."
"Mr Vaz failed to register a donation from the Caparo Group in March 1993 within the time allowed by the rules. We reject his claim his registration [in October 1994] of the second such donation, which he received in August 1994, somehow covered the first donation as well.
"Mr Vaz failed in his duty of accountability under the Code of Conduct by refusing to submit himself to the scrutiny appropriate to his office as a Member."
"Mr Vaz recklessly made a damaging allegation against Miss Eggington to the Commissioner, which was not true, and which could have intimidated Miss Eggington or undermined her credibility.
"Miss Eggington and Mrs Gresty were interviewed by the police as a direct result of his intervention.
"Having set the Commissioner on a false line of inquiry Mr Vaz then accused her of interfering in a criminal investigation and threatened to report her to the Speaker."
"Mr Vaz failed in his public duty under the Code of Conduct "to act on all occasions in accordance with the public trust placed in (him)". By wrongfully interfering with the House's investigative process he also committed a contempt of the House."
and this
Quote: Liam Byrne, Immigration Minister. "Mass immigration over recent
years has left this country 'deeply unsettled'. It has damaged the poorest
In some areas it has put pressure on schools and hospitals. Inequality and
child poverty are two of its main side effects.
and this
Telegraph. 02/05/2007
Foreigners in UK jails cost £398m
Keeping foreign nationals in British jails is costing the
taxpayer more than £398 million a year.Figures show that
15 per cent of the prison population are from
outside the UK. The largest contingents among the 12,122 come from
inmates are classified as having "unrecorded" nationality
and this
NEARLY three quarters of British people believe there are too many
immigrants coming into the country, according to an opinion poll published
A YouGov survey for The Economist suggests that record levels of immigration
are now the principal concern of voters, ahead of public services, crime and
and this
We can't cope, says the town being invaded by Romanian gipsy orphans
By ANDREW WILKS - More by this author »
Last updated at 22:06pm on 12th May 2007
An invasion of Romanian gipsy orphans has left a British town facing
financial crisis.
poverty-stricken country have arrived on the steps of the town hall in
The children, from the Roma community, do not arrive with adults, though
some are as young as ten. Six have come with babies of their own while
seven have been pregnant.
They have apparently made the journey across
The council is obliged to look after under-18s - providing them with
accommodation, food and schooling - and the cost of caring for them is
The borough council has so far spent £150,000 setting up an emergency
team to assist the children.
Most have only a rudimentary grasp of English, meaning the council has
had to employ two Roma translators.
David Munkley, the council's commissioner for education, said: "For those
we are currently supporting it will cost the council around £500,000 over
the full year. That includes costs such as accommodation, food and
Council leader Richard Stokes believes the children have been deliberately
sent to
He said: "There have been 88 who have literally arrived on the town hall
steps because they are told they will get a cordial reception in
"I don't know who tells them that but
town. The problem is we don't have the financial resources to provide for
He added: "It's not a marginal problem, it's a financial crisis."
The arrival of the Roma children adds to an existing population crisis in
contain more than one family - usually from
and some houses had as many as 30 people living in them.
The health service is under extreme pressure and many GPs have closed
their surgeries to new patients, while there are 82 different languages
spoken in the borough's schools.
The council is currently caring for 53 Roma children. Others have been
placed with family members in other parts of the country.
A gang of about half-a-dozen Roma woman, some with toddlers in pushchairs,
A man approached a Mail on Sunday reporter, waving a card with a message
written in pidgin English and asking for cash to support his three children.
years a number of refugee camps were built nearby to hold people who had
arrived in
The Roma face persecution in many communities all over the world. They are
believed to have originated in
found on the
and this
around half of Black Caribbean (48 per cent) and Other Black (52 per cent)
households with dependent children were headed by a lone parent. The percentage
for the White British group was 22 per cent.
and this
"Ritual Abuse Horror,Young Girls held down and mutilated.
Hackney Gazzette
A Hackney woman has been arrested on suspicion of arranging female genital mutilation on two teenage children.
Police have released a woman on bail."We are told this practice is occuring to children in
The grisly ritual is common in Muslim/African countries,often carried out by older woman using the most basic tools such as rusty tin can..
Nobody has been prosecuted under the legislation but if found guilty can face up to 14 years in jail."
Health chiefs admitted the ritual was being carried out in Hackney last year. Girls as young as three are held down by up to eight adults."
in the Sunnah 1:8 Um Atiyyat al-Ansariyyah said:
"A woman used to perform circumcision in
and this
Racist Pakistani men 'grooming' young white girls
by Sunny Hundal
"Hundreds of white girls, many as young as 12, are being lured into a world of group sex and prostitution by gangs of British born Pakistani men from West and South Yorkshire. The girls are being introduced to their future 'pimps' by their classmates, often the brothers and cousins of these older men."
and this
If you were to extrapolate the stats in the 2001 Census with those in the 2005 British Crime Survey, you would find that, in Britain, an individual black person is 110 times more likely to murder an individual white person than the other way around. An individual Asian is 20.5 times more likely. And the facts and figures in the 2005 BCS were compiled before one black man and three Asians blew up 52 people in
and this
English girl barred from Government job...because she is wrong kind of white
By MARK NICOL - More by this author »
Last updated at 00:00am on 5th August 2007
A teenage science student has been banned from applying for a training programme with the Environment Agency because she is white and English.
The recruitment agency handling the scheme told Abigail Howarth, 18, that there was no point in her submitting an application because of her ethnic background.
But bizarrely she could have applied if she had been white and Welsh, Scottish or Irish.
Abigail, who wanted to join the Agency's flood management programme, saw an advert in a local newspaper offering positions in the
It made no mention of the ban on white English applicants, merely noting that candidates from ethnic minorities, such as "Asian, Indian' and "White Other, e.g. Irish, Welsh, Scottish', were encouraged to put themselves forward.
Abigail, of Little Straughton, Bedfordshire, said: "I was really disappointed. To be told being "White English" ruled me out in my home county shocked me. I know why there are positive action training schemes to assist those who are genuinely discriminated against but when it's broken down to this level it seems crazy to me.
"I really wanted to work for the agency and I was very excited - followed by feeling very disappointed.
"I would not have minded had I been beaten for the position by somebody better able than me."
Abigail, who is awaiting the results of A-Levels in environmental science, geography and geology, emailed PATH National Ltd, the company handling applications.
She asked: "Am I correct in assuming that as I am English (White) I need not apply as the preference is for the minorities you have listed, or can I apply anyway?'
Three days later, PATH recruitment officer, Bola Odusi, replied: "Thank you for your enquiry unfortunately the traineeship opportunity in <\[>sic] targeted towards the ethnic minority group to address their under representations in the professions under the Race Relations Act amended 2000."
Such a policy may breach Race Relations legislation as employers must prove ethnic groups are under-represented before using positive discrimination strategies.
The Environment Agency admitted it had 'no evidence that white Welsh, Scottish or Irish workers were under-represented' in the
South West Bedfordshire Tory MP Andrew Selous said: "I think this is complete nonsense and the Environment Agency should be taking the best people, irrespective of their background.
"This is obviously borne out of some idiotic quota system. Abigail should have been able to apply and been judged on her own merits. I will raise this when I have a meeting with the Environment Agency next month."
PATH National's organisational development manager, Mary McDowell, said: "The "White Welsh", "White Irish" and "White Scottish" is a technicality in law - if they are a minority, they are entitled to places on these schemes - they are not part of the majority group, which is "White English".
"The "White English" in this area are the majority group and hence could not apply.
"That is the way the law is laid. This is a chance for people who might be less employable to gain experience, just experience. Public-sector organisations have a duty to ensure they reflect the make-up of the society they serve."
The Environment Agency says 387 of its 12,000 workers claim BME (Black and Minority Ethnic) status. A spokesman added: "The Commission for Racial Equality has confirmed we are acting legally."
A CRE spokeswoman said: "The Commission will be checking with the Environment Agency to clarify the current situation regarding their positive action initiatives.
"Positive action can only be used to encourage or train particular under-represented groups."
and this
health - Labour import deadly desease
"In 2004 there were 324 people with HIV in Barking &
Dagenham, 77% of whom were Black African."
and the cost to treat these people who are expected to spread the desease
further is staggering!
and this
kriss donald story
on the morning of March 14, 2004, when a group of five Muslim men were cruising around Glasgow looking for a white male to kill. Eventually, they zeroed in on Kriss Donald, a slightly-built schoolboy. Suspecting what lay in store, the boy pleaded with his captors as he was being bundled into a waiting car: "Why me? I'm only fifteen."
Having failed to evoke their pity, Kriss was taken on a 200-mile round trip while his tormentors were looking for a house in which to kill him. As he lay bound on the floor of the car, he was subjected to brutal torture, which included castration and repeated stabbing. Unable to find a suitable house, the kidnappers drove to a garbage dump where they doused him with gasoline and then set him on fire. Despite all the torture he had endured, Kriss Donald was still alive and tried to crawl into a muddy hollow to extinguish the flames. When a walker found his body the next morning, he thought it was a mutilated animal carcass.
Within days the police arrested two of the perpetrators; the other three managed to flee to their relatives in
and this
Swiss smell the coffee and wake up!
The nationalist Swiss People's party (SVP), in the governing coalition, has proposed new legislation that would see entire families of immigrants deported if their children are convicted of crimes involving violence, drugs or benefit fraud.
immigrants commit 85.5% of all rapes, 66% of all extortion, 55.5% of all murders and 52.7% of assaults.
and this
Immigration Minister Kevin Andrews said refugees from
and this
racist tower hamlets bangladeshi councilors
Anger at council snub over colour
Thursday, September 13, 2007
Two white councillors have hit out after being excluded from a meeting because of their colour.
Peter Golds and Stephanie Eaton said they were outraged at not being asked to take part in the focus group at Tower Hamlets council in
The gathering was organised to come up with ideas for improving career opportunities for Bangladeshi and ethnic minority workers at the council.
Mr Golds, who leads the Conservatives on the council, has taken the matter to the Commission for Racial Equality. Ms Eaton, who heads the Liberal Democrat group, made a sarcastic apology after the snub.
Deputy Labour leader Siraj Islam, who organised the gathering, told a council meeting this week: 'Without wishing to be patronising, we felt it should be “Bangladeshi only” because we have the expertise on these matters and we talk to staff in the corridors about concerns.'
Ms Eaton replied: 'Well, I'm sorry for being white and there's nothing I can do about that.' She added: 'Am I irrelevant because I'm white? I do actually talk to Bangladeshis a lot and think I would have had something to contribute.'
After the cabinet meeting, Mr Golds wrote to council chief executive Martin Smith saying he was 'disturbed' by the exclusion.
He has also contacted the commission, asking it whether the move was a breach of equality policies.
Tower Hamlets Council said other sessions would be organised so that all councillors were involved.
and this
only 10 criminals from the EU have been refused entry to
last year the number turned away due to a criminal past was only two!
good to see the goverment taking our safety seriously!!!!
and this
labour violate the united nations 1994 indigenous (British) peoples act
Article 7 of the United Nations Draft Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples 1994
Indigenous peoples have the collective and individual right not to be subjected to ethnocide and cultural genocide, including prevention of and redress for:
(a) Any action which has the aim or effect of depriving them of their integrity as distinct peoples, or of their cultural values or ethnic identities;
(b) Any action which has the aim or effect of dispossessing them of their lands, territories or resources;
(c) Any form of population transfer which has the aim or effect of violating or undermining any of their rights;
(d) Any form of assimilation or integration by other cultures or ways of life imposed on them by legislative, administrative or other measures;
(e) Any form of propaganda directed against them
and this
liberal left hero Gandhi was a racist, he hated blacks.
quote from Gandhi
"We consider that it was a wise policy on the part of the British Indians
throughout South Africa, to have kept themselves apart and distinct from the other
colored communities in this country."
"A little judicious extra taxation would do no harm; in the majority of cases it
compels the native to work for at least a few days a year."
and this
muslims 10% in prison
In Britain, 10% of prisoners are Muslim - a huge number when Muslims number
1.6m out of a total population of 58.7m
and this
The hidden costs of immigration
Local authority race relations 3.1m
Higher education race relations 6.7m
Commision for racial equlity 32m
Translation costs 100m
Ethnic minority awards scheme 169m
Security £174m
English lessons for immigrants 280m
Cost of treating immigrants with HIV 330m
Border controls 690m
Money sent home by foriegn workers 1.4bn
Asylum support and processing 1.6bn
Cost of immigrant crimes 4bn
and this
Africans are less intelligent than Westerners, says DNA pioneer and Nobel prize winner.
James Watson, a Nobel Prize winner for his part in the unravelling of DNA who now runs one of
"Western policies towards African countries were wrongly based on an assumption that black people were as clever as their white counterparts when "testing" suggested the contrary.
"Our wanting to reserve equal powers of reason as some universal heritage of humanity will not be enough to make it so."
The Independant.
and this
Population Density per sq/km:
Palestinian territories 667
South Korea 480
Netherlands 392
*England * 383
India 336
Japan 339
Israel 302
Germany 232
Italy 193
Wales 142
People's Republic of China 137
Poland 123
France 110
Turkey 93
Spain 89
Scotland 65
Republic of Ireland 59
United States 31
New Zealand 15
Canada 3.2
Australia 2.6
Mongolia 1.7
and this
racist groups in the UK
Black people's mental health association
Black and Asian therapists online
National BME mental health network
Federation of Black housing organizations
The Black Londoners forum
The Black Police association
Positive action in Housing,Asi
an modelling service
Society of Black lawyers,London
Society of Asian lawyers,London
Ethnic media Group
Al-Nisa Muslim Women’s Group
Al-Nur Muslim Women’s Association
Antrim Chinese Community Association
Barnardos Chinese Lay Health Project
Chinese Welfare Association
The Windsor Fellowship
Sponsors for Educational opportunity,(SEO)Lon
Link Net Mentoring
Suga fix media arts
Sussex Black police Association
The National Black Writers and Artist Association
Black students Association
UK Black teachers Association
Black UK online
Ashiana Housing Association Ltd.
UK Asian business directory
Asian People's Disability alliance
Asian arts agency
Black Enterprise awards
AIM magazine
Natwest Bank (Asian Entrepreneurs Unit)
Asian Voice
Black womens rape action Project,BWRAP,London
The Drum,African,asian arts venue,Birmingham
Black training and enterprise group
UK Black Pride
Ethnic Minority Foundation,London
Oshwal Elderly Welfare Association,Surrey
Ethnic Minority and Black Regional Action for Community Empowerment (EMBRACE),Birmingham
MENTER,Regional network for Black / Minority Ethnic (BME) voluntary organisations
Black and Minority Ethnic Elders Group,Scotland
Latin American elderly project,London
Latin American golden years day centre
Naz project London,Sexual health & AIDS prevention(NPL)
The Black Fundraisers Network,London
Black Arts Alliance,Manchester
Southall Black sisters,Middlesex
Black student union
Dudley Black regeneration council
Black Professional events,events planners
Black Health Agency,Manchester
National Association for the advancement of Black people,
African Caribbean Development agency (ACDA)
African caribbean education and training services (ACETS)
Amaani Tallawah mental health support services,Nottingham
APNA arts,Nottingham
Asian day centre,Nottingham
Broxtowe African Caribbean Elders group
BUILD Nottingham Mentor project
Calabash supplementory school
Afrik-African International Network,Nottingham
Asian mens group
Somerset Black development agency (SBDA)
Black families education support group,Bath & somerset
and ive only just started, just warming up!
1 comment:
Racists don't really have a point to make, do you?
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