The language of Equal Opps debate and the preferred acronym for those engaged in the sexual orientation equality movement is LGAB people.
Although there is probably, in the way of these thing, a host of sub-divisional acronyms, Lesbian Gay and Bisexual serves to collectivise those not heterosexual; their common cause more important than their differing practices. Except for Hughes, in whose world Bi- is actually another form of straight; it's these damned homos against whom the watchful politician must guard.
Thursday, January 24, 2008
stanislav said...Sing, Simon, if you're glad to be gay; nobody cares, it is the depth of your hypocrisy that is so sickening.
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Hughes' disgusting, obnoxious gay-bashing of Tatchell, almost more than anything else, should damn the Toilets Party. Any self-respecting bunch of liberals would have thrown this overbearing, warty cunt out on his arse. That he manages to stay centre-stage among this gang of degenerates and hypocrites, and remains a favourite of DimblebyCorp, tells us all we need to know about UK party politics. Decent people would cross the road if they saw this creep approaching; the BBC showers him with so much of our money that he can't be bothered to keep track of it.
It seems entirely appropriate that this deeply unattractive, bullying, pretend lawyer would claim, as he does, that his bisexuality - whatever that is - renders his hostility and hypocrisy towards gay people quite excusable, his election to parliament on an odious queer-bashing ticket perfectly legitimate; quite how Hughes segregates his own behaviour from that which he finds objectionable in Tatchell - they both fuck other men - is one of those arcane, mysterious judgements by which politicians consider themselves above the moral and legal realities which confine the rest of us.
In a proper democracy Hughes would be deprived of his seat for having won it by deceit and hypocrisy and he would be barred from parliament for life.
Tatchell, love him or loathe him, beards the lion Mugabe in his den, among his own thugs; Tatchell confronts Dame Portillo's minders and is quite unlawfully wrestled to the ground in order to protect cuddly Michael's spurious, cowardly privacy. The man whose gutter campaigning triumphed over Tatchell's own openness, hisses, by way of courage, in the Westminster toilets, about who, if not he, should lead this worthless gang of grotesques to their next ignominy.
Simon Hughes, one of the dirtiest phrases in the sewer lexicon of British politics. Sing, Simon, if you're glad to be gay; nobody cares, it is the depth of your hypocrisy that is so sickening.