Thursday, January 24, 2008

stanislav said...Better off reading Viz magazine than Will Hutton.

lola said...

Right, well done and all that, but who's next? Wendy Alexander or Harperson and even better the McFuckingBean himself. I mean, they are all SO useless aren't they.

BTW why does the bbc always bring on that twerp Will Hutton when any stuff about economics comes on. he's a berk. And who IS he for God's sake?

stanislav said...


Hutton used to be economics editor, editor-in-chief or ambassador plenipotentiary extraordinaire to NewLabour at the Guardian/Observer. A nobody, like Peter Callaghan Jay.

Your epithet for him is apt if unduly polite. Man's a cunt. A ThirdWay, Clintonite, Blairite, what Hutton has to say about economics is not worth hearing, Better off reading Viz magazine than Will Hutton.

Married to a wealthy property speculator charging exorbitant London rents, Hutton is an advocate of affordable housing for the proles, rather like Dear Landlord Michael Meacher, or any number of NewLab BBC hypocrites.

Button gets asked-on because he is a long-time Newsnight Beeboid and a trustee of the Scott Trust, meant to ensure the integrity of the once-great Guardian newspaper. People must judge for themselves how giving lifetime jobs to sneering jackals like Toynbee and Lady White has maintained or altered the quality of the Guardian.

From his complexion and his barely-restrained hysteria, Hutton appears to be drinking himself to death.

In God we trust.

Hope this clears things up.

love from stanislav

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