Monday, January 28, 2008

stanislav said...No, fuck me, its Labour for me. Thick as pig shit, me.

stanislav said...

Somebody, earning two grand a week of our money, will have said to this cunt, this worthless jumped-up pig in cufflinks, this greedy, grasping, good for fuck all, trade union hypocrite, this massively incompetent, uneducated, over-promoted fuckwit: Minister, why don't you just hold this ladle, just as though this dopy sap next to you was just gonna whisk something up and you are all ready to ladle it out into something, and like you and him are a team and you do this all the time, in your suit, and like hold it so's it matches the angle of the whisk thing and do a really big smile. And that way the voters will think, fuck me, that Alan Wotsit, he may be a cunt, but he gets down the college and helps the kids serve up the brown windsor so he can't be all that bad, maybe he should be prime minister. Not every day you see a minister, or whatever, serving shit up with his own hands. And fuck me, that tie, that's a real brown windsor ladling tie if ever I saw one. You know I think at the end of the day these Labour ministers are good blokes. You wouldn't see a tory or one of those other gits going down the college and helping an ordinary working lad ladle his shit up to the customers. Good job somebody took a camera or no fucker'd a known how Alan Wotsit spends his day helping out witn his ladling skills. No, fuck me, its Labour for me. Thick as pig shit, me.

2:48 AM, January 28, 2008

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