Sunday, January 20, 2008

JERRY HAYES said... (made the mistake of dropping in)


Well, Guido. You are no better than the gutter press. In fact, you are worse. Putting a piece of ancient gossip in the public domain on the basis that it blows apart some media conspircy is just sad attention seeking. The fact that you have made this weekend utterly miserable for three or four people borders on the obscene. There is absolutely no reason why the public should have been made aware of any of this, a very private matter. Every nutcase and grudgeholder will have a field day on your blog, which until now, was respected. I suppose this is what happens when investment bankers with delusions of grandeur try to punch above their weight. I and I suspect many like me, will treat this blog with the contempt it now deserves.

Anonymous said...

From Wikipedia -

In January 1997, he was "outed" by the News of the World, allegedly cheating on his wife Alison with an eighteen year old youth, Paul Stone, a research assistant. Hayes claimed their friendship was never sexual. This ignited a debate on the age of consent, and on Hayes' previous voting for legislation perceived as homophobic and subsequent support for homosexual equality. Paul Stone however asserted that their relationship had been intimate, that he was disappointed with his former lover's "hypocrisy," and produced a number of love letters.

Jerry - if you don't like what you read here, don't come back.

Many like Jerry said...

Jerry Hayes said

I and I suspect many like me, will treat this blog with the contempt it now deserves.

Indeed we will. Jerry speaks for us all, but just to be clear - we'll keep sneaking looks at your ghastly blog, Guido, like we do page 3 of the Sun, in order to keep abreast of popular culture. We may even post the odd anonymous comment for the sake of decent society.

Guido Fawkes Esq. said...

Jerry, you'll be back. You came here for gossip and tittle tattle. So don't pretend otherwise.

Was it the pisstaking out of your pathetic name dropping that hurt?

Or the memory of the News of the World catching you cheating on Alison with an eighteen year old male research assistant despite your having voted for anti-gay legislation?

True Brit said...

I notice that Mr. Hayes (8.31pm), former Conservative MP for Harlow and one of the many who did so much to ensure the election of New Labour from 1997 until the present, claims on his profile that he's a criminal barrister. And here was me thinking that that applied to all barristers!

Anyway, back to your feather-bedded retirement for you Jerry - I've seen and heard more than enough of the likes of you in my lifetime already, as has the electorate it seems, who still tar all Conservatives with the brushes you and your cohorts so kindly supplied them with (along with the help of the Bolshevik Broadcasting Co. and the liars of New Labour, just to be fair).

P.S. Is it just me, or do other minds boggle (and reach for the off switch) whenever that C U Next Tuesday, Mellor (another of Jerry's Class of '97), appears on Classic FM? Why do they bother with him?

mitch said...

Cherie would take it up the arse because the other holes are to big "throwing a sausage up an alley anyone" her gob takes A4 jiffy bags so the arse is the only hole with any tone(fnar fnar).

45govt said...

peter carter-fuck - one can only assume that use of the back door is almost obligatory given the homeliness of the front elevations. Blow-jobs would be out as even a horse woudn't be able to touch the sides.

Jerry Hayes, for it is her - why would a lawyer/politician/bisexual lying cheat come here to get humiliated? Oh you like it? Well in that case do come again, we will be here waiting. Consider us your very own hypocrite's corner.
Or fuck off, your choice entirely.

shergar said...

I and I suspect many like me, will treat this blog with the contempt it now deserves.


John said...

"The fact that you have made this weekend utterly miserable for three or four people..."

Oh please say that he has some inside information and that this really is the case!

"Every nutcase and grudgeholder will have a field day on your blog..."

Guilty as charged m'lud!


Anonymous said...

Mr Fawkes,

As a new visitor to your blog, the mere fact that you have managed to annoy the arse off such a self-obsessed has-been as Mr Hayes will only mean I will resolve to visit here more regularly!

Please keep sticking it to all of 'em- regardless of their (and your) political colour. They all need to be taken down several pegs. Just remember that old saying that no matter who wins the next election the Government still gets in- bastards!

Any other visitors to this blog fancy forming the ERA (English Republican Army) with me and seizing their local post office in protest at our so-called leaders?

stanislav, a young polish plumber said...

Please, leave poor, name-dropping Mr Hayes, once briefly and mysteriously an MP, alone. He obviously has enough difficulties without the cruel barbs of the uncouth wounding him further. How is he best to comfort the Marr-Ashley-Miles menage and its precious spawn whilst jeered at and barracked by his inferiors. When next, pretending still to be an MP, he bumps into old chums in the commons dining room how is he to maintain his composure when he knows and they know that he knows that all have seen him lampooned so cruelly by the dregs of cyberspace. Charity should prevail. We must desist from making a cunt of Mr Hayes, the eminent lawyer; he is evidently, demonstrably, hilariously capable of making a cunt of himself.

Fuck me, laughter really is the best medicine.

Goodnight, Jerry, from Stanislav.

ps the Jock Herald, Scotland's quality broadsheet, has sacked it's readers, shut down the comment boards on account of how they were all too nasty, comment is now restricted to the journalists themselves, both called Iain, and to Scotch Newsnight's nice Mr Gordon Brewer and his viewer, Sandy, from Peebles. Nasty ? Jock Herald fairies should come down here and have a look, they'd have a fucking heart attack.

45govt said...

Mr Hayes says:-

"Surely, the point of the blog is to print stories of public interest that the press have covered up for various self serving reasons."

Jerry, I missing something here, or is this not precisely what Guido has done? Do we care that the targets of this expose are in your opinion "thoroughly decent people"? No we do not, and since they have been so happy to dish it out, the schadenfreude of them receiving it back in spades is delicious. In any case, as you are a pol AND a lawyer, I take leave to doubt your assessment of their inner worthiness.
They had it coming, and in the case of the odious liitle bat-eared
brownnoser Marr, it couldn't be more deserved.
What moral planet are you from anyway Jerry?

Anonymous said...

For those of you who missed the original Jerry Hayes / Paul Stone story in the Daily Telegraph, you can read it again here

Perhaps you should read it again, Jerry, the next time you have the urge to lecture anyone about decency.

staanislav said...

Mes amis, leave him alone; he has neither power, influence nor reputation and his preposterous faux chivalry on behalf of the triply revolting Marr-Ashley-Miles menage and it's spawn is just attention-seeking.

There are establishments - in addition to the chamber of the house of commons - catering for Tory masochists wishing to be humiliated, let him attend one of those and pay for a thrashing, instead of getting freebies here.

Poor Mr Hayes, name-dropping, posturing and moralising; heedless that he himself fell victim to the rank, septic, self-protective oligarchy of MediaMinster whom he now seeks to protect. With judgement like his we must rejoice that he is a nobody, far from any responsibility; best, my old friend Mr 45, that we keep him thus, deprive him even of the oxygen of infamy; just ignore the silly cunt and he'll go away.

thick as thieves said...

jerry, you misunderstand the reason behind your own perversion! never wrestle with a chimney sweep because you cannot come out of the fight clean. get it, jerry? now please fuck off and waste your inane musings elsewhere, there's a good chap.


Well, after all of that I'd better go and top meself. But it would only cause too much pleasure.

Guido Fawkes Esq. said...

Why do you come back? Are you an S&M freak as well?

45govt said...

It would cause a good deal of indifference is all. Now if your gay friend Gorgon were to top himself, I dare say that everyone here would raise their glasses in a toast; but you? zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

Anonymous said...


You've answered your own question.

Other than on this blog, when was the last time that anyone had heard anything about Jerry Hayes in the past eleven years?

No. I didn't think so either.

thick as thieves said...

it's ironic isn't it. brown, marr and hayes. the blackmailed becomes the blackmailer and jerry comes along to kiss it all better. you're out of you depth jerry, a protector and defender of the indefensible. doesn't all this false positioning make you feel physically sick? or are you such a degenerate who has travelled so far into the depths of depravity that you think brown's behaviour is acceptable? you're just a useful idiot to them jerry, that's all you are.

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