Tuesday, May 27, 2008

rudyard kipling said...Rebuke

Dave, Worcester said...

Guido, will you, for fucks sake, stop swearing so much on your blog.

I agree with a lot of what you say, but I have to disagree with your reference to MP's voting for soldiers to pay for their own rations. No such vote ever occurred as far as I can make out.

I was a soldier for 22 years from '77 to '99 and all of that time soldiers paid for accommodation and rations. What the new system tried to address was an ever present grumbling from soldiers that they had to pay for rations 7 days a week and when they weren't on active duty they (quite rightly) would go away at weekends and do what soldiers do when they are not in the thick of it. So the grumble was that they were paying for rations which they weren't eating because they were somewhere else.
The new system introduced meant soldiers did not have the cost of rations automatically deducted from pay, but instead allowed them to 'pay as you dine', so they only paid for what they were actually eating. In theory this address the decades long gripe, but in reality some soldiers get their wages and spend them very quickly when they are not on operations (live for today !!) and so they run out of cash mid month and can't pay for the meals they subsequently attend. It is more to do with some guys not being able to manage their own budget, than it is about the Government taking the piss. In trying to address the gripe, the MoD created a situation whereby the safety net of paying for your rations 'up front' and knowing you would always be fed, was removed.

Now, I'm not saying it is right to charge soldiers for rations, I'm just pointing out that the facts of the story are being mis-represented.

Incidentally, when I was in the Army I lost count of the number of times I had to convince people that I paid for rations, accommodation and yes, income tax. Most people couldn't understand why soldiers had to pay for it all, even when they were fighting in the falklands etc.

rudyard kipling said...

Well, fuck me, Dave from Worcester, you were probably the smartest girl in the tank, managing your own budget and everything, you fucking arsehole.

This shower of thieving bastards misrepresent everything they do in their poxy lives and - venturing an educated guess - nobody round here gives a flying fuck if they duly get misrepresented themselves, it's about fucking time somebody kicked them in the bollocks; they don't need playfair wallahs like you to bail them out, they'd shit in your face, you fucking sanctimonious moron.

Talk about misrepresentation, the drunken, shit-eating thug, Jock Reid, when Defence Secretary, avowed that no British squaddie would face a shot fired in anger in Afghanistan. It's nearly a hundred dead now and countless maimed, there's a case for your bleating "the facts of the story are being misrepresented" you worthless cunt. Fuck off up to Glasgow Celtic football club where Reid is chairman and say Oi!You! Cunt! wossallthis shit you said would never happen ? The Nimrod fleet, there's another one, take up your fair play issues there, go and tell those bereft of the fourteen airmen not to misrepresent the government. The melted cavalryman, the bloke who should be grateful that Bob Ainsworth pays him a pension, he'd love to hear your misrepresentation shit, go and see him, Dave, tell him how a man must manage his budget, he'll fucking love you even more than I do. Either that or fuck off next door with Mrs Dale, that's the place for girl guides like you, wear your cardy. No place for creepy collaborateurs like you in this New Model Army. Mustn't misrepresent the thieving, drunken, coke-snorting, toilet-lurking, shit-eating, worthless, murdering bastards, up to their necks in graft, corruption and sperm ? Oh, fuck me, no, mustn't over-egg the fucking pudding. Never heard such shit. Do fucking grow up, Dave from Worcester. You sound like Gerry Hayes. You're not him, are you, off on some gay, army fantasy, like he does ?

These fuckers need a fair trial and then they need hanging. Simple. Job done. Job's a good 'un.

Dave, Worcester said...

Ah Rudyard, touched a nerve or too there did I? So now, we counter a mistruth with another mistruth? No, we do what this site and others do - highlight the mistruths and watch the fuckers wriggle and squirm, but assembling and disassembling in return is not the answer. How the fuck does my correcting a statement make me a collaborator. You should take a chill pill and lie down, for a fucking long time.
I met plenty of gob shites in the Army - I've just met another.

rudyard kipling said...

Dear Mr Dave from Worcester

Sweetie, I bet you were the darling of the catering corps but it'll be a long cold day in Hell before you touch anything of mine, much less a nerve.

As for you being a filthy collaborateur well, few here seem impressed by your nit-picking Geneva Convention rectitude being so punctiliously applied to the whores, pimps, ponces and slags of the Westminster Brothel. It must be said indeed, that the corrections of errors, since you mention it, might usefully commence with yourself rather than with Mr Guido, already much maligned by the apostrophe Jihadists.

You mean misrepresent and not mis-represent, there is not necessarily a hyphen in all longer words; you mean dissemble and not disassemble and although there is no correct substitute for your use of the word assemble in this context, we can be sure, nevertheless, that you know what it is that you think you meant when you coined this imaginative gibberish, or that you did when you thought you meant it.

It has been most interesting to share your correcting world view but regrettably there is no substance in it. If you would avoid those post spud-bashing stress disorder flashbacks which so upset you and your family you should fuck off; here is a dark place.

Ms Widdecombe knits, sews and bakes cakes in the light, and is perfectly attuned to your own quaint notions of fair play; she is much more your sort of companion, why don't you visit her? You can swap pizza recipes.

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