Wednesday, April 2, 2008

stanislav, a young polish olumber said...After the bogey-munching,everything was downhill.

stanislav, a younf polish olumber said...

After the bogey-munching,everything was downhill.

Nancy has been going in the chamber of the house of commons for over twenty years, it's not as though he doesn't know about the cameras or that people all around the world may watch PMQs.

Anyone with a passing acquaintanceship with sanity, whatever their secret personal habits, would say to themselves before entering the chamber, remember, best leave the snot-eating out for a while now, and the wanking, TV cameras in here.

Anyone with the vaguest understanding of the Internet would know that an error of judgement can be, ineradicably, all around the globe, almost instantaneously. Anyone with half a brain would not have done that. The snot-eating.

In many ways it would have been less offensive if he had got his cock out and started wanking, right there, on the front bench, at least, then, he could have been sectioned, which is what he needs, the poor, mad, gibbering freak.

Poor, friendless Nancy, do none of his ghastly crew tell him that all around the world people can -and do- watch the UK prime minister picking his nose and eating it; that whatever show of clumsy elegance he attempts with David Beckham and the Stick Insect, or with the ghastly frog and his showy bint, people look at him and see a paranoid, delusional, sixty year old fairy behaving like a two year old; not in secret but painfully, horrifyingly, in front of the entire world.

The snot-eating does not of itself have the frightening economic implications of Nancy's continued, disastrous chancellorship; nor does it have an impact on the hundred or so Afghanistan deaths which Labour predicted would never happen, the cruel, bloody catastrophe of world war three starting-up in Iraq; the raping of the country by the super-greedy, nasty little hedge fund wankers with mean mouths and gross appetites; countless other maladroitnesses, misjudgements and stupidities cannot directly be blamed upon Nancy picking his nose and eating it, or can they? Is the country hostage to Nancy's bogies ?

Until someone in the press, or in parliament says Oi, Nancy, have you any idea what a fucking laughing stock you have made of our country, will you apologise ? then, yes, he will continue to behave as though, firstly, he is such a great man that his public snot-eating is a minor idiosyncrasy, a price his subjects should be happy to pay to keep him at the helm or, secondly, that the snot-eating never actually happened, all got-up by the nasty bloggers.

Nancy displays the contempt for decency and good manners, the bullying bombast and the complete disregard for truth and honesty of the truly, incurably deranged. Our prosperity, our liberties, our safety, our joint futures are in the nail-bitten hands of a delusional, bad-tempered, screeching, incompetent, criminal, snot-eating freak.

The rest, Northern Rock, ID cards, money laundering, Iraq, torture, rendition, Lisbon and on and on, these are his cowardly, desperate, illegitimate, attritional, Mugabe Moments, his Nutter-Visions, his GayNaziPresbyterian Values, just, in short, what you would expect from a gibbering, spasming, sixty year old, snot-eating monster.

Nancy, a suitable case for treatment.

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