Wednesday, April 2, 2008


stanislav said...


One of them was wetting himself last night. Gibbering in the Lobby this impertinent little monkey was going bananas about Mrs Speaker, Glasgow Mary and her penchant for taking taxis to the chippy and back to get her man's supper. Never seen this cunt before but he sounded like a hybrid eunuch, spawn of a toilet encounter between Martin Cunt Salter and Steve GissaJob Pound.

Reacting to news that the shameless, thieving fucking bastards, the Martins, were to undergo a show investigation before retiring on a hundred grand a year plus, this horrid, uneducated piece of backbench shit expressed the view that Gorbals Mary could hardly be expected "to catch the number 12 'bus, just like ordinary people but should be shown proper deference." The People's Party, eh.

Glasgow sectarian thug-celebrity, Mr Pussy Galloway, has commented that it doesn't matter how much Gorbals Mick steals, because he's the first catholic Speaker ever, Respec', George, my man. Country going down the toilet and this other fucking prick is screeching about deference to some greedy, hustling Jock minger. Jesus fucking wept, you couldn't make these cunts up, not in your wildest, drink-fuelled nightmares.

Does anybody know the name of this deferential lump of filth, MP. Time he had a few cuntmails in his inbox.

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