Sunday, April 6, 2008

stanislav said...Repeat all over the fucking shop, same shit. This is calamity Britain.

bogeyman said...

The Torygraph has revealed that Leninslime's breeding partners gave birth to Slimelets within a few weeks of each other. The Mayor (ex-mayor as of May 1) was impregnating women two at a time, then buggered off with dick at full mast to produce more Keninclones with another Labour "researcher".

The smug newt-fancier says he has no shame about his private life. Voters are not interested; they are more concerned about crime and transport. Well this voter is bloody well interested.

Leninshit, what kind of advertisement are you in a city where thousands of fatherless Bradleys and Leroys, deprived of a family life by cock-happy idiots like you, are joining gangs and killing each other instead?

These are kids whose mother's life is marked by a procession of "boyfriends", "uncles" and "stepfathers" with whom she can share weed and strong cider funded by the taxpayer. High on dope, the men are eager to deposit their bodily fluids in her scabby minge - thereby ensuring future voting fodder for you - before disappearing to impregnate another slag and knock another few points off the gene pool's IQ.

Although not a constituent of yours, the repulsive chavette Karen Matthews is one such example. Look what happened to her daughter.

And you are telling them it's OK to behave like this.

I don't care where you put your scrawny cock. But don't fucking tell me it doesn't matter that you are a role model for a dysfunctional society.

You Marxist cunt.

stanislav said...

"Although not a constituent of yours, the repulsive chavette Karen Matthews is one such example. Look what happened to her daughter." Mr Bogeyman.

Ms Matthews' very common situation has been unfortunate, probably no worthwhile role models and no meaningful support from national and local politicians; she has grown poor, irresponsible desperate, her supposed champions, Blair, Brown and Prescott all grown fabulously wealthy, happy, as Labour politicians, to describe their natural constituency as "the Underclass" as though we were in New Dehli or 'thirties Berlin

When Ms Matthews steals the pensions, destroys the economy, flogs the gold, shamefully, murderously invades a sovereign state, fucks the health service and gives the nation to an unelected oligarchy of people like Peter fucking Mandelson she might deserve your ill-judged soubriquet.

Ms Matthews, despite her staggering disadvantages is unlikely to benefit from the interventions and funds of Gordon Brown, Rupert Murdoch's bought and paid for ex-coppers and Lord Beardie Branson although her neglect of her child is no worse than comparable to that of more salubrious members of NewLabour Britain

There are sufficient sins to lay at Livingstone's door, while so many like him have grown filthy rich many more like Ms Matthews have grown filthy poor; using the impotent poor and wretched to beat the smug and untouchable rich is not the best way to proceed.

bogeyman said...

Stanislav, for once I must take issue with you. My grievance is with Leninslime for digging the cesspit in which the unfortunate Ms Matthews and people like her now swim. She knows no better. Nor, it seems, does the man himself.

Anonymous said...


Extremely well put Stan. Who is still The Man BTW.

Do not blame the victims of fascist socialism. It is not there fault.

They can only do the best they can with the intelligence god gave them, and the non educational inhumanly destructive, socialist system, they are daily confronted with from birth.

Blame the criminal minds that propagate it. I personally blame the BBC even more then Labour MPs.

After all if the establishments favorite mechanism for spreading divisive and inherently illiberal fascist socialism The BBC.

Had not been the propaganda mouthpiece for Neo fascist soul sapping, working class hating, poverty creating, socialism, for the last 29 odd years. This sorry mess would never had happened ever again. She might of actually had a chance to make something of her life. Or simply not have been able to afford to have any more then one child.


Gordon Brown does not need some massively corrupt body such as the IMF to warn him about his own so called mismanagement. Gordon Brown has always known exactly what he is doing.

He is dancing to the tune of the international banksters that have bank rolled this current Fascist New Labour regime since the nasty cunts first interviewed Tony Blair and Gordon Brown for the job.

Now its pay back time, and it is not Gordon Brown or Tony Blair that will be paying it all back with interest.

Atlas shrugged

stanislav said...

Mr Bogeyman & Mr Anonymous Atlas Shrugged

yes that's what stanislav mean, in poor english. Ms Matthews more shit upon than shitting, innit. What mad fucking place is it where shit fuckpig hack like Toilets Maguire describe as "stepfather" to seven children, young bloke who is a, only common-law husband to poor cow Mum and b, closer in age to children than to Mum. This is Blair Project. This is fucking disaster. Repeat all over the fucking shop, same shit. This is calamity Britain.

Now is other nutter, nail biting snot-eating paranoid cocksucker lunatic, not find hole in arse with both hands come aboard like Captain fucking Ahab, make everything fucking even ten fucking times fucking as bad because of madbastard fucking vision, like fucking Prophet in Old fucking Testament. Voices in ma heid from ma Da up in Heaven. Man's a fucking criminal lunatic.
Voices and Visions and snot-eating. The country's fucked. Every bastard wind up living like poor Ms Matthews. Ten to a room with no fucking money, eat beans and drink cider and only retarded, farting fuckwits for comfort. Maybe is better go back in fucking Poland with horse-drawn gippo economy. Can't be no fucking worse than what these cunts are doing here.

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