Sunday, April 6, 2008

stanislav said...Need a Roll of Shame starting with The BBC News Department

stanislav said...

Need a Roll of Shame starting with The BBC News Department, the slapper Denise van Outen, the shameless drunken, old cunt, Trevor McDonut and including all these other celebrity gabshites thrusting their way, even for a few minutes, into this macabre farce, celebrating their own self importance and ambition, blind and deaf to Beijing's countless executees, torture victims and enslaved millions. Even though SKY is owned by a sinophile it's coverage seems to be of another event to that covered by the bright Oxbridge boys and girls of the BBC, it's cuntish newsreaders who will say absolutely anything put in front of them.

The wretched Jowell's scruffy, pinch-faced, scheming, warped ugliness laid bare by the cold winds and Nancy, dressed for church, shuffling about, insecure, uncertain, like a long-term chronic mental patient, clutching for security not - this time - to a child, but to a disabled person.

Calamity Britain, it's rulers so far up their own arses they cannot see what, in daylight, the rest of the world must, thieves, incompetents and nutters.

Just for once in your unhappy, insecure, bullying, deformed, fretful and polluting existence do just one good, selfless deed before you die and Come Out Gordon, your time is up, everybody's sussed you, you are the only person who believes your mad shit; Come Out Gordon, Daddy won't mind.

1:41 PM, April 06, 2008

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I used to work for them until I could take no more. They are arrogant beyond belief. If you, dear reader, had the misfortune to meet some of their fifth rate managers you would know what I mean. They are biased in what they refuse to cover, not in what they do cover - and even some of that is questionable. Their reporting is old and dated and yet they know it not. That dreadful family friendly presentation in duo's with those feigned cheezy smiles for the soft stories and the sombre demeanour for the serious ones, all packaged up for you and me. How kind. How very kind.