Thursday, March 13, 2008

stanislav said...Like it says on the BBC HQ building:..... and nation shall speak shit unto nation.

stanislav said...

At least the BBC license fee didn't rise. Great news for BBC taxpayers. On one of it's plague of websites the Corporation is selling advertising space to the makers of the People's watch, Rolex. Taxpayers fearful that this sort of activity erodes the BBC's traditional independence, for which they involuntarily pay, can rest easy tonight as they watch the fearless, anti-establishment Question Time programme, chaired by Caroline Flint, followed by Mr Murdoch's bitch, Andy Jock Neil and his regular team of drunken champagne socialist and chancer Lady Diane Abbott and the man who might have had Gordon's job as closet gay prime minister, the man in the button-down shirt; the BBC is not for sale.

The million pound a year Director General of the BBC, Mr Mark Cocksucker, said that, like the rest of the Labour leadership, he was intensely relaxed about rich celebrities like himself and Mr/Mrs/Ms Wark being given free Rolexes. What we don't want to see, said Mr DG Cocksucker, is the politics of envy, if ordinary people want Rolexes why they should just jolly well save up until they can afford one, but not until they've paid the license fee.

Anyone who missed the Director General's interview, or who just wants to watch it over end over again can find it on hundreds of otherwise unwatched BBC media platforms. The DG himself will be on Radio Four's Rolex Today programme, tomorrow, with John Rolex, Sarah Rolex and Jim Toilets McRolex.

If you are one of those unfortunates out, so to speak, in the Rolex cold, too poor to buy, too unimportant to be given your own Rolex you can always enter the BBC's premium line - calls cost one pound fifty - Win a Rolex competition where you can win your very own diamond-encrusted solid gold executive time piece, but won't.

Like it says on the BBC HQ building:..... and nation shall speak shit unto nation.

ps the Rolex story is over at the Trannygraph, home of quality journalism. And Snarlin' Simon Heffer.

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