Thursday, March 13, 2008

stanislav said...Bob Ainsworth is not a Brummie.

m person of no fixed political abode said...

Stanislav, you pseudo pole, Bob Ainsworth is not a Brummie.

Get your facts right.

stanislav said...

Dear Mr person of no fixed mind: Bob Ainsworth is not a Brummie.

No, maybe not but stanislav did not say that Ainsworth was a Brummie, just that he spoke it, which, like most Coventrians or West Midlanders, he does. Anyway, you troll people all look and sound the same to us immigrants; especially you who sleep in political doorways.

You are much better off in your place down the road with Mr Cranmer. He really is an Archbishop. And you really are a stupid,nit-picking cunt.

love from stanislav.

M person of no fixed political abode said...

Stanislav I am not a troll.

But when some sad little wanker starts bleating "troll" it makes the rest of us wonder about you.

stanislav said...

Dear Mr NFPA

I am rebuked. I am sure you speak for thousands of nit-picking cunts, so many of whom have leapt, here, to your defence. In future I will give your reproaches the merit they deserve. And I will start now:

For your much-needed education, Coventry is part of the West Midlands conurbation, of which Birmingham is the centre, it is perfectly in order to say to the global audience which visits order-order that the wretch, Ainsworth, speaks with a Brummie accent; to all but an academic dialectician, or a professional Brummie like Dr Carl Chinn, he does. What is your point ? Do you deny the content of my original post because Coventry is twenty miles south west of Birmingham ? Is that the best you can do ? Are you a member of some secret Ordnance Survey Jihad ? Have you, really, nothing better to do than insult those who seek a better deal for wounded soldiers ? Is it your mission to attempt to undermine a perfectly legitimate and necessary protest on the basis of some imaginary geo-linguistic error? Gordon Brown must be proud of you, you horrible fucking cretinous stooge. Why don't you take your facile nit-picking arse to meet Lance Corporal Martyn Compton, see what he makes of your map-reading skills; I bet he'll love you. Just as I do.

45govt said...

To person of no fixed political abode.

At first I thought you just a brain-dead pedant, who allowed the import of something that should stir you, as it does us, to heights of towering rage, pass you by. That the cunts who lead your nation, and send your countrymen into battle, should so treat those men when they have given their all, would be enough to make a Barbarian weep. But not you, of no discernible sentience, you are exercised by whether or not the narrator has made an error of DIALECT!
Stanislav very politely called you a nit-picking cunt, which was a bit of a gift for an asshole like you - but no you come back for more - "I'm not a troll", you bleat, having once again failed to spot either the import of what is being done in your name , or the fact that you are behaving like the cunt you have so generously been called.

No fixed political abode? Or moral or compassionate, in fact under the fucking arches you piece of secondhand bog-bumf. Just fuck right off, and take your warm-hearted compassion back home under the tracks. You utter cunt.

With apologies to sitondafence.

Than you Stanislav for giving this travesty of justice the attention it deserves.

stanislav said...

Yo Mr 45 Govt

If only you could write smart one-liners like Mr Nobody; still, forcing all that Brown cock down his throat probably focuses his mind wonderfully. And look on the bright side, you can walk past a barracks in safety whereas poor Mr Nobody has to stay in the hostel all the time, wanking.

love from stanislav

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