As premier Brown descended the steps of his aircraft today he made the following statement to assembled journalists:
"I have here in my chewed-to-bits hand a piece of paper bearing my signature and that of Herr Ali Baba, guaranteeing Oil in our time, well some of the time, anyway. If they let us have some oil we will give them the bits of Britain not already owned by themselves and our very good Russian friends.
It is, in my judgement, in the best long-term interests of hard-working British families that they learn to walk from home to work. If they have any jobs to go to. And any homes. Herr Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves and I have had useful and productive and meaningful discussions. (trans. he called me a cunt). The humiliation of the UK is, I must stress, not an event, but a process.
Times are hard - none of my fault - and it is only by taking the right, tough decisions, like these, that I can remain prime minister for a bit longer."
This blog is a compilation of Stanislav's Rants as they appear on Guido. It is neither operated nor sanctioned by him. If you don't like it, don't come back.
From the Dail Mirror
Triumphant Fisting Premier Returns from Saudi.
by Toilets Maguire.
As premier Brown descended the steps of his aircraft today he made the following statement to assembled journalists:
"I have here in my chewed-to-bits hand a piece of paper bearing my signature and that of Herr Ali Baba, guaranteeing Oil in our time, well some of the time, anyway. If they let us have some oil we will give them the bits of Britain not already owned by themselves and our very good Russian friends.
It is, in my judgement, in the best long-term interests of hard-working British families that they learn to walk from home to work. If they have any jobs to go to. And any homes. Herr Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves and I have had useful and productive and meaningful discussions. (trans. he called me a cunt). The humiliation of the UK is, I must stress, not an event, but a process.
Times are hard - none of my fault - and it is only by taking the right, tough decisions, like these, that I can remain prime minister for a bit longer."