Tuesday, March 11, 2008

stanislav a young polish plumber said...Cuts in public sector pensions?????

Patrick said...

Dear Mr Osborne,

Can we please have a medium sized tax cut and a significant spending cut - especially on public sector pensions, IT projects, quangos and waste. That way I'll have more in my pocket, the national debt will progressively be sorted out and the most useless and undeserving parts of the public sector will be starved.

Many thanks in advance.

Yours sincerely,

Patrick (pissed off taxpayer)

stanislav a young polish plumber said...

Cuts in public sector pensions?????

Fuck me, Patrick, are you trying to start a Saga revolution ? Do you want people in motor homes besieging Sainsburys, blockading the Channel ports? Setting fire to the Lake District ?

There are people who have notionally worked twenty-five years and "negotiated" an "enhanced" early retirement package of a yearly pension which, not even counting a huge lump sum, exceeds the yearly salary of most and who immediately go back to work for the very same organisation which pensioned them off, unless, of course, they can better serve the nation on a QUANGO. And some of these poor cunts don't even get an OBE.

You sound like a fucking anarchist to me, mate.

Patrick said...

Dear Stanislav the Polish gentleman,

Indeed I do favour a spot of constructive 'disruption' in the cosy status quo that NuLabour have engineered.

We seem to have a country where the hard working majority pay a shitload of tax to cosset the living standards of a useless governing / administrative minority who then proceeed to ignore everything that the said golden goose expresses to be its wish.

This is not cricket. The English people will famously put up with much. When the day comes that their tolerance is breached it is often to be observed that the breach is not pretty. I suspect and hope that we are rapidly arriving at a 'Fuck you' moment in our political life. It feels like 1979 all over again.

If only that nice Mr Cameron and his chaps would see it and grow a pair then they have an absolutely open goal.

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