Thursday, February 7, 2008

woman on a raft said...

woman on a raft said...

"Hi John, how'zit hangin' - that honcho Yo Blair, have you seen him? Getta looka the ass on that wiffa his?"

"Hello Mr President. There have been a few changes in Engerland - do you remember that man who came over at Christmas, Godron Brown?"

"Wadda minute - kinda oily guy, Blair's secretary - they sent him over at Christmas with a book. I thought: Mandelson's not looking good, got that obesity thing goin'. Anyways, I gave him a bomber jacket, told him to git out on the golf course, take some air, take some exercise, hang with the guys -"

"Yes, Mr President - they made the secretary the new prime minister"

"They elected Mandelson?"

"No, Sir, Godron Brown succeeded Tony Blair - like they do the kings and queens in Europe, you never hear about it, it's all either hereditary or agreed in advance. They all look the same, and they all think the same, so it doesn't really matter which is which."

"So whaddya think of the guy Godron. Getta looka the ass on that wiffa his?"

"Actually, Sir, I was going to ask you that. Should I meet him - I'm pushed for time, but if you think it's important, I'll fit it in."

"Nah, not if you can avoid it. He gave me an autographed book of his - said he'd underlined the important parts - and that he'd be back for a discussion. House security immediately said we should buy a bigger sofa and git ready to hide behind it. I told 'em, "I'm the President of the U-nited States and I'm not hiding behind a sofa" and they all said 'shhssh remember the broccoli'. Condy says she hears they have millions of the books on remainder, so if they dump that festering pile of what I will politely call literature on the Whitehouse lawn, then boy will we have a recycling problem."

"OK, thanks, I'll give it a miss. About that wiffa his - nobody has hardly seen her. Word is she has a beard, which might explain the reluctance to be photographed. Still, you think they'd have it lasered off - but the Europeans are kinda funny about body hair on women."

"You want I should get Laura to have a word?"

"Better leave it alone - if she has that many books cluttering up the kitchen, she'll only give you another one to add to the collection. Thank you for your advice, Sir."

9:46 AM, February 07, 2008

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