This ranting does Guido no good!
Show some perspective please!
Some of you bloggers must be leading sheltered lives!
£40 food allowance in Central London is not excessive. I used to get more than that in expenses when I worked away from home. (£10 Breakfast, £10 Lunch, £20 Dinner).
Grow up for Heaven's sake!
Dear Mr Shropshire lad
Housman, encountering you on Clee Hill, would piss in your face; and so would most people here. Maybe Flashman is a more apposite nom de plume for a man of your humanity. Maybe, like the cunt Portillo, you think the poor exist so's the rich can make self-serving documentaries about them.
It's thanks to the likes of you, laddie, that some people don't have forty pounds a week for food. Should they storm your home one night when this nightmare reality unravels just you see you tell them what a bigshot you used to be.
ALL taxpayers should be under the same HMRC rules for income and expenses. For that matter why do they have a duty free trough, sorry bar in the HofP? When cross-border EU duty-free was abolished, there was one shop exempted - guess where: in the EU building in Brussels.
We have got a long way to go to get these freeloaders even STARTING to thing along the right lines - so far we have only aroused their incredulity that we should even have the temerity to question the motives of the Hon Ladies & Gents. That is of course just what it is - a public fucking convenience for all the piss-takers in the sewer.
Go get 'em Guido, venal cunts.
The comely and amusing young William Hague "earns" vast sums of money telling laboured fourth-form jokes to drunken diners, bless.With Ffffffion and Seb to keep on side he probably needs every penny.
Fat Ken Trombone, former chancellor "earns" vast sums of money peddling tobacco to third world children, now that his own legislature has banned his activities in his home land. Many's an MP only turns up for work when nothing more lucrative beckons elsewhere, in the courts, perhaps, for the pretend lawyers or, in Mr Blunkett's case, selling his well-known scientific expertise in DNA testing/flogging home office contacts he made at my expense.
Westminster's most charming Scot, the horrible cunt, John Reid MP, works full-time as chairman of a Glasgow football team and doubtless in various security consultancies, without it impinging on his MP duties, not in the slightest.
Imagine a nurse saying to her patients I'm just off, the noo, tae ma real job, youse can look after yerselves and make sure ma cheque and expenses gets sent oot, the noo. A teacher, or Mr Blair's enemy within, a firefighter phoning-in and saying I'll be there if there's a fire or owt but otherwise I'm coining it over here.
All of these thieving cunts, Reid and Blunkett and Clarke will have stooges planted in Glasgow, Sheffield and Nottingham, well-rehearsed in saying what a wonderful constituency MP Ken has been, from Dar es Salaam or the BBC studios or wherever else his fat money-grubbing snout takes him; from anywhere but where we pay the useless fucking loudmouth roly-poly gabshire to be, in parliament.
A while back Sunshine Superman, Tommy Sheridan, now awaiting trial on perjury charges, gave himself unlimited paid leave from his MSP duties to pursue a legal action - of his own instigation - in which he hoped to win two hundred grand, not a penny of which would have gone to the taxpayers who continued to pay his wages throughout the whole dreadful farce.
The UK's most obnoxious MP, Mr Geoff Cluster-Bomb-the-Schools Hoon, recently remarked that Peter Hain must now devote all his energies -not his spare time from being an MP but all his energies - to clearing his name,whilst we continue to pay his wages and cufflink allowances.
When these shameless crooks are begging for votes you don't hear the freak Hague saying And in ay very real sense I shall not spend ay very long time on this, because I have ay very important after-dinner speech to write for ay very rich group of very important drunken political groupies who think I yam the best thing since ay certain Mr Larry Grayson. No, the worthless bandits are all gonna work day and fucking night for their constituents, it is their honour to serve, they would happily do it for nothing.
And when they get the job they don't even bother to turn up, earning so much more whoring themselves, and us, wherever they can. Can't we even expect them to work full-time ?
Mr 45 relates above the terrible tale of the Welsh shrew, Glenys Kinnock, with the taxi waiting outside the European parliament whilst she pops-in to register for her daily, monarchical allowances and then straight out for the 'plane home. There was a time when this stuff was a wee bit funny. But its not funny anymore. People are in real poverty - fuel poverty, council tax poverty, stolen pension poverty, Brown-encouraged debt-poverty; people die every day for want of a few quid, their dying faces shat upon by Mr & Mrs Balls & Co.
stanislav write to Scotch pretend parliament about Sheridan. Fuck off, citizen, says jobsworth, Parliament already discussed whether members should work minimum hours and decide against, Sheridan may be vile, bullyboy, degenerate thug, ponce, grotesque sexual predator, lying fucking hypocrite and class traitor, but is MSP, therefore still entitled to shit in Jock's face. It's what they do.
Nota bene. Stanislav is all for free speech and all but if he sees some Westminster groupie, some lusty, all-male Hague-fancier, some Jerry Hayes coming on here bleating about all the work they do behind the scenes, in the committees and everything, for charity, Stanislav will fire-up blue van, hunt them down, wherever they are and drop down mineshaft, reserved for enemies of the people.