Thursday, February 7, 2008

stanislav said...Only in rotten Scotland could failure to prosecute a criminal be seen as to the public good

stanislav said...

Tightly-corseted into his double breasted suit, jowls pouring like lava over his collars and smirking like a nonce, Lavender King Alex of pretend Scotland will love this and so will his kilt-wearing, brownshirted, wife-beating horde.

Only in rotten Scotland could failure to prosecute a criminal be seen as to the public good - ie to the electoral advantage of one party over another. Still, in this nightmare region of England, the great Scot, Lady "Sir" Sean Connery, eating his porridge on the bonny, bonny banks of Lake Geneva, is not actually an obnoxious bully, a stage Scot and a proponent of wife-thrashing - just to keep them in line - but a great hero; spy, submariner and time-traveler. God bless their misshapen ginger heads, their unpleasant appetites and their foetid. melancholy little lives filled with grievance and spite.

As long as suspicion engulfs the Alexanders and they evade their just desserts there will be less scrutiny on Alec having sold Scotch local democracy to Donald McTrump and Scotch transport policy to Mr Brian Souter of CrapBusULike; that, in Wendy Satchmo, justice is not served is, to the Scotch Nazi party, obviously, neither here nor there.

As the great doggerelmeister Burns might have put it: it's an ill wind, the noo, d'ye ken, laddie. Och aye.

ps. After taking advice from cruel pedant and apostrophe Jihadist, Dennis, stanislav has set aside his tv license fee for the private prosecution of Lord Levy, should it happen. Or indeed any other of these fucking bastards.

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