Wednesday, January 16, 2008

john bright said.. Bob The Bollocks Ainsworth

john bright said...

You can't fix this. It is the system of career party politics which invites dodgy, otherwise unemployable characters and their attendant criminal practice.

A free-for-all between workshy, conceited, braying Old Etonians; idle bastard champagne socialist layabouts and simpering toilet artists is no mechanism for running a country in the interests of its citizens and where necessary the wider, common wealth.

How on earth can you remedy a system which employs, in prominent, responsible positions people like Bob The Cunt Ainsworth? That this useless fucking tongue-tied uneducated arsehole has anything to do with the welfare of Tommy Atkins should be such an affront to decent people everywhere that they burn down parliament and lynch its creepy-crawlies all along the Embankment.

Instead, we let them, through their fawning cocksuckers in the press and the BBC, lecture us about how we need to do better by them, how poorly paid they are compared with people who work for a living; jhow lucky we are to have such giants as Bob The Cunt bumping along on a couple of grand a week - just think what he could earn on the bin lorry; how we should give them more money to spend on persuading us to vote for their lifetime passage on a luxury liner.

A short time ago every last one of these smirking degenerates applauded the outgoing, criminal prime minister. Not a word is currently raised in protest, from this adoring audience, at the bungs now thrown at Tony and Imelda.

Tommy Atkins, gutted, blinded and limbless in the service of Haliburton sees his portion capped at a quarter of a million, chicken feed to the mongrel dogs of Westminster, hoovering-up directorships and consultancies, showered with baubles and pensions; Lord and Lady Bendover, bright-eyed and grateful, swallowing Satan's ejaculate; worth so much more than some stupid oik of a squaddie who probably isn't even a lawyer; should be grateful for the opportunity to serve, we honour his sacrifice, only not with money, we need it ourselves, as much as possible, can't ever have enough.

Are we really suggesting that fucking about with their petty cash book will redeem this knocking shop, filled at is it is with thieves and whores and nonces, Christian warmongers for hire ?

Endorsed by one bent Law Lord after another; excused by rancid prosecuting authorities and idolised by their six hundred partners in crime Tony and Imelda are vindicated, by their masters in GlobaCorp, their cronies in the EUSSR and most shamefully by the people's tribunes in the Motherfucker of Parliaments.

This - the Blairs and their kind inviolate and fabulously wealthy - is the Future. The Future is not bright. But to all intents and purposes the Future remains, so to speak, orange.


Anonymous said...

Please amend your post to 'Bob The Bollocks Ainsworth'

Plumbers Assistant said...
