Monday, April 21, 2008

stanislav said...BBC Parliament, Kipling would have loved it.

stanislav said...

BBC Parliament, Kipling would have loved it, the UK government are such shits that Tommy Atkins' best friend is not the part-time war minister, Browne, not the Labour Party, nor the Tory Party but the fucking Coroner and the government, in the person of Tony McNutter, as vile and unworthy a person as ever held public office tries, now, to muzzle even him; Tommy, like the rest of us, must be defenceless before Government, friendless when cheated and betrayed, even the tiny ripples of criticism from the Coroners' Courts must be dammed-up, diverted.

Wittering in front of whey-faced, puddingy Jacqui Schmidt at home office questions, this famously mouthy cunt in his tie and haircut bleated that the Coroners had to be shut up in the interests of national security, that is to say in the interests of McNutter's own job.

Nobody demurred, nobody grabbed the Mace and whacked this obnoxious prick in the face with it.
Tories - Mercer, surprisingly - nit-picking over time scales but cowed by the shibboleth of national security. If this household paid the BBC tax, the horror show that is the house of commons would be worth every penny. Even through the tv screen you could almost smell the shit on Tony McNulty's breath, how do they do that?

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