Tuesday, March 25, 2008

stanislav said...Teach your children well.

stanislav said...

Jack Torture Straw, the man who, in his own modest opinion, ushered in the Summer of Love, has a great record on human rights in this area. When Home secretary didn't he set the Met's community pacification units on those lawfully protesting about visiting Chinese monsters. Give 'em a good beating ?

Go Jack, you overdressed fascist cunt, tell us some more about civil liberties in a mature democracy.

Anonymous said...

Stanislav 3.29

Funny enough I was talking to my son-in-law about that yesterday. It was the first time I realised just what a shower of shit the 'people' had just voted in.

And first impressions, in this instance were exactly the right ones.

stanislav said...

Mr Anonymous at 4.05

Most son-in-law is normally useless fucking bastard but can give yours stanislavian history lesson, cheap4cash. Train-up properly into anarcho-plumber to be proud of.

Jack Torture Straw does it for me in a way that none - not even Kinnock - can equal. Maybe it is his wet-lipped, face like a bag full of stones ugliness, or his Himmlerian, fussy dress sense or his wordy, pretend-lawyer bombast - I am minded to say this etc - or maybe it is his pompous, goose-stepping hobgoblin son, William, the drug dealer, but a good kid really.

Most probably, though, it is his fawning, cock-sucking obeisance to Coh-Lin the Uncle Tom prick Powell, at the UN debate on the Iraq invasion. Hans Blix laying it out just like it was -no WMD, this stuff they're dismantling, it's not toothpicks - and Coh-Lin the fucking dumb stooge trotting out what even he now admits was a load of jingoistic Haliburton-inspired horseshit. And Jack, the eternal unemployable undergraduate, nodding his wise head, consigning countless Iraqis, and many many Tommies to inferno and death, although not his prick son, William, of course.

Maybe, on the other hand, it was Jack Straw's insistence that even if evidence submitted to UK courts had been obtained by torture it was torture which Dubya had personally decriminalised.

Or maybe it is, after all, his feigned ignorance of the treatment of those beaten by British cops in honour of some visiting gang of ancient, chink communist fellow torturers that should persuade all of Straw's merit.

If he and Livingstone and Commissioner Bendover and Lady Jowell-Mills cannot, between them, suppress any anti-Chink protest they will not be dislpaying their true, totalitarian colours. And Nancy will be unhappy, again.

Recounting their sins, Mr Anonymous, there's a lot to choose from with Jack and his nasty chums. Teach your children well.

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